Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1720

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123STA T . 1 70 0 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 22 —M A Y 20 , 200 9(K)byad d ing a t t he end the fol lo w ing

‘( m ) DET E RMINA TI O NO FFU N D IN GS OUR C E .— Fo r any fi sc al year , in addition to f u nds awarded under subtitle B , funds under this title to be used in a city or county shall only be awarded under either subtitle C or subtitle D. ’ ’. SEC.1402 . GAO S TUDY O FH O M E L ESS N ESS AND HOMELESS ASS I ST - ANCE IN R URAL AREAS. (a) STUD Y AND R E P ORT.— N ot later than the e xp iration of the 12- month period beginning on the date of the enactment of this di v ision, the Comptroller G eneral of the U nited States shall conduct a study to examine homelessness and homeless assistance in rural areas and rural communities and submit a report to the Congress on the findings and conclusion of the study. T he report shall contain the following matters: (1) A general description of homelessness, including the range of living situations among homeless individuals and homeless families, in rural areas and rural communities of the United States, including tribal lands and colonias. (2) An estimate of the incidence and prevalence of homeless- ness among individuals and families in rural areas and rural communities of the United States. ( 3 ) An estimate of the number of individuals and families from rural areas and rural communities who migrate annually to non-rural areas and non-rural communities for homeless assistance. ( 4 ) A description of barriers that individuals and families in and from rural areas and rural communities encounter when see k ing to access homeless assistance programs, and rec- ommendations for removing such barriers. ( 5 ) A comparison of the rate of homelessness among individ- uals and families in and from rural areas and rural commu- nities compared to the rate of homelessness among individuals and families in and from non-rural areas and non-rural commu- nities. ( 6 ) A general description of homeless assistance for individ- uals and families in rural areas and rural communities of the United States. ( 7 ) A description of barriers that homeless assistance pro- viders serving rural areas and rural communities encounter when seeking to access Federal homeless assistance programs, and recommendations for removing such barriers. ( 8 ) An assessment of the type and amount of Federal homeless assistance funds awarded to organi z ations serving rural areas and rural communities and a determination as to whether such amount is proportional to the distribution of homeless individuals and families in and from rural areas and rural communities compared to homeless individuals and families in non-rural areas and non-rural communities. ( 9 ) An assessment of the current roles of the Department of H ousing and Urban Development, the Department of Agri- culture, and other Federal departments and agencies in admin- istering homeless assistance programs in rural areas and rural communities and recommendations for distributing Federal responsibilities, including homeless assistance program administration and grantmaking, among the departments and