Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1785

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123STA T . 1 765PUBLIC LA W 111 – 2 4—M A Y 22 , 2 0 0 9(3)Section27.4 2o f tit l e 50,C o d eof F ede ra l R e gu lation s , p ro v ides t h at, e x cept in special circu m stances, citi z ens of the U nited States ma y not ‘ ‘possess, use, or transport firearms on national w ildlife refuges ’ ’ of the United States Fish and W ildlife Service. (4) T he regulations descri b ed in paragraphs (2) and (3) prevent individuals complying with Federal and State laws from exercising the second amendment rights of the individuals while at units of — ( A ) the N ational P ar k System

and ( B ) the National Wildlife Refuge System. (5) The existence of different laws relating to the transpor - tation and possession of firearms at different units of the National Park System and the National Wildlife Refuge System entrapped law-abiding gun owners while at units of the National Park System and the National Wildlife Refuge System. ( 6 ) Although the Bush administration issued new regula- tions relating to the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens in units of the National Park System and National Wildlife Refuge System that went into effect on J anuary 9 , 2009— (A) on M arch 1 9, 2009, the United States D istrict Court for the District of Columbia granted a preliminary in j unction with respect to the implementation and enforce- ment of the new regulations; and (B) the new regulations— (i) are under review by the administration; and (ii) may be altered. (7) Congress needs to weigh in on the new regulations to ensure that unelected bureaucrats and judges cannot again override the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens on 8 3,600,000 acres of National Park System land and 90,790,000 acres of land under the jurisdiction of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. (8) The Federal laws should make it clear that the second amendment rights of an individual at a unit of the National Park System or the National Wildlife Refuge System should not be infringed. (b) P ROTEC T ING T H E RIGHT O FI N D I V ID UALS TO BEAR AR M S IN UNITS OF THE NATIONAL PAR K S Y STEM AND THE NATIONAL WILD- LIFE REFUGE SYSTEM.—The Secretary of the Interior shall not promulgate or enforce any regulation that prohibits an individual from possessing a firearm including an assembled or functional firearm in any unit of the National Park System or the National Wildlife Refuge System if— (1) the individual is not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing the firearm; and (2) the possession of the firearm is in compliance with the law of the State in which the unit of the National Park System or the National Wildlife Refuge System is located. SEC.513 . GAO S TUDY A N D R E P ORT ON FL UENCY I NT H E ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND FINANCIAL LITERACY. (a) STUDY.—The Comptroller G eneral of the United States shall conduct a study examining— (1) the relationship between fluency in the E nglish lan- guage and financial literacy; and