Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1947

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123STA T . 1 9 2 7PUBLIC LA W 111 – 37 —J U NE 3 0, 2009 PublicLaw1 11 –37 111 thCongres s A n Act Toamendti t l e 38,U nited S tate sC ode, to pr o v ide f oranin c rease, effective D ecem b er 1 , 20 0 9 , int h e rates of compensation for veterans w ith service - connected disabil- ities and the rates of dependenc y and indemnity compensation for the s u rvivors of certain disabled veterans, to codify increases in the rates of such compensation that were effective as of December 1, 2008, and for other purposes .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. S H O R T TIT L E. ThisActmaybe cite d as the ‘ ‘ V ete r a n s ’Co m p ensation Cost - o f - L i v in g Ad ju stment Act of 20 0 9 ’’ . SEC. 2 . INCRE A SE IN RATES O FD ISA B ILIT Y CO MP ENSATION AND DEPENDENCY AND INDEMNITY COMPENSATION. ( a )RATE A DJUS T M E N T. —E ffective on D ecember 1, 2009, the S ecretary of Veterans Affairs sha l l increase, in accordance w ith subsection (c), the dollar amounts in effect on N ovember 3 0, 2009, for the payment of disability compensation and dependency and indemnity compensation under the provisions specified in subsection (b). (b) AM O UNTS TO B E I N CR EASED.—The dollar amounts to be increased pursuant to subsection (a) are the following

(1) W ART I ME DISA B I L IT Y COM P ENSATION.—Each of the dollar amounts under section 111 4 of title 3 8 , U nited States Code. (2) ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION F OR DEPENDENTS.—Each of the dollar amounts under section 111 5 (1) of such title. (3) CLOT H IN G ALLO W ANCE.—The dollar amount under sec- tion 11 6 2 of such title. (4) DEPENDENCY AND INDEMNITY COMPENSATION TO SUR- V IVING SPOUSE.—Each of the dollar amounts under subsections (a) through (d) of section 1311 of such title. (5) DEPENDENCY AND INDEMNITY COMPENSATION TO CHIL- DREN.—Each of the dollar amounts under sections 1313(a) and 1314 of such title. (c) DETERMINATION OF INCREASE.— (1) P ERCENTAGE.—E x cept as provided in paragraph (2), each dollar amount described in subsection (b) shall be increased by the same percentage as the percentage by which benefit amounts payable under title II of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et se q .) are increased effective December 1, 2009, as a result of a determination under section 215(i) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 415(i)). 38USC1 11 4note.V ete ra n s’ Co mp ensat i on Cost - o f - L i v in gAdju stment A c t of 20 0 9 . 38 USC 101 note. J une 30 , 2009 [ S. 40 7]