Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2266

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123STA T . 22 46PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9Sec.318 . Mil i tarymun iti o n s res p onse sites. Su b title C—W or k place an dD epot I ssues Sec. 3 2 1. P ublic - pri v ate competition re q uired be f ore conversion of any Department of Defense function performed by civilian employees to contractor per- formance. Sec. 322. T ime limitation on duration of public-private competitions. Sec. 323. Policy re g arding installation of ma j or modifications and upgrades. Sec. 32 4 . Modification of aut h ority for A rmy industrial facilities to engage in coop- erative activities w ith non-Army entities. Sec. 32 5 . Temporary suspension of public-private competitions for conversion of De- partment of Defense functions to performance by a contractor. Sec. 32 6 . R equirement for debriefings related to conversion of functions from per- formance by F ederal employees to performance by a contractor. Sec. 32 7 . Amendments to bid protest procedures by Federal employees and agency officials in conversions of functions from performance by Federal em- ployees to performance by a contractor. Sec. 328. Improvement of inventory management practices. Sec. 32 9 . Modification of date for submittal to Congress of annual report on funding for public and private performance of depot-level maintenance and re- pair workloads. Subtitle D— E nergy Security Sec. 331. Authori z ation of appropriations for Director of O perational Energy. Sec. 332. E x tension and expansion of reporting requirements regarding Depart- ment of Defense energy efficiency programs. Sec. 333. Report on implementation of Comptroller G eneral recommendations on fuel demand management at forward-deployed locations. Sec. 334. Report on use of renewable fuels to meet energy requirements of Depart- ment of Defense. Sec. 335. Energy security on Department of Defense installations. Subtitle E—Reports Sec. 341. Annual report on procurement of military working dogs. Sec. 342. Plan for managing vegetative encroachment at training ranges. Sec. 343. Comptroller General report on the sustainment strategy for the A V -8 BH arrier aircraft. Sec. 344. Study on Army modularity. Subtitle F—Other Matters Sec. 351. Authority for airlift transportation at Department of Defense rates for non-Department of Defense Federal cargoes. Sec. 352. Policy on ground combat and camouflage utility uniforms. Sec. 353. Condition-based maintenance demonstration programs. Sec. 354. Extension of arsenal support program initiative. Subti t leA— Aut hor i za tio n o f A p propriation sSEC.301 . OP E RATI O N AN DM AINTENANCE FU NDIN G . Fundsareh ere by au t h o r iz edtobea p propriated f or fis c a l year 201 0fortheuseofthe A r m ed Forces and other acti v ities and a g encies of the D epartment of Defense for e x penses , not other w ise provided for, for operation and maintenance, in amounts as follows


1 ) For the Army, $3 1,2 6 3,332,000 . (2) For the N avy, $3 5 ,0 4 1,2 7 4,000. (3) For the M arine C orps, $5,543,223,000. (4) For the Air Force, $34,527,14 9 ,000. (5) For Defense - wide activities, $2 8 ,327,396,000. (6) For the Army R eserve, $2,620,196,000. (7) For the Naval Reserve, $1,278,501,000. (8) For the Marine Corps Reserve, $228,925,000. (9) For the Air Force Reserve, $3,079,228,000. (10) For the Army National G uard, $6,262,184,000.