Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3486

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123STA T . 3 46 6 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 8—DE C.1 9, 2 0 09 (2)Section 22 4 2o f t h e F o r ei g n A ff a ir sR efor m an d Restr u c - turing Act of 19 9 8 (di v ision G of P u bl ic L a w 1 05– 2 7 7

112 Stat . 2 6 81–822; 8 U .S. C .12 3 1 note) and regulations p rescribed thereto , including regulations under part 208 of title 8, Code of Federal Regulations, and part 95 of title 22, Code of Federal Regulations. (3) Sections 1002 and 1003 of the D epartment of Defense, E mergenc y Supplemental Appropriations to Address H urri- canes in the Gulf of M e x ico, and Pandemic I nfluen z a Act, 2006 (Public Law 109–148). S EC . 9010. (a) T he Director of the O ffice of Management and B udget, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense; the Com- mander of the United States Central Command; the Commander, Multi- N ational Security Transition Command — Ira q

and the Com-

mander, Combined Security Transition Command—Afghanistan, shall submit to the congressional defense committees not later than 45 days after the end of each fiscal quarter a report on the proposed use of all funds appropriated by this or any prior Act under each of the headings ‘ ‘Iraq Security Forces Fund ’ ’, ‘‘Afghanistan Security Forces Fund’’, and ‘‘Pa k istan Counterinsur- gency Fund’’ on a pro j ect-by-project basis, for which the obligation of funds is anticipated during the 3-month period from such date, including estimates by the commanders referred to in this section of the costs required to complete each such project. (b) The report required by this subsection shall include the following

(1) The use of all funds on a project-by-project basis for which funds appropriated under the headings referred to in subsection (a) were obligated prior to the submission of the report, including estimates by the commanders referred to in subsection (a) of the costs to complete each project. (2) The use of all funds on a project-by-project basis for which funds were appropriated under the headings referred to in subsection (a) in prior appropriations Acts, or for which funds were made available by transfer, reprogramming, or allocation from other headings in prior appropriations Acts, including estimates by the commanders referred to in sub- section (a) of the costs to complete each project. (3) An estimated total cost to train and equip the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan security forces, disaggregated by major program and sub-elements by force, arrayed by fiscal year. (c) The Secretary of Defense shall notify the congressional defense committees of any proposed new projects or transfers of funds between sub-activity groups in excess of $ 20,000,000 using funds appropriated by this or any prior Act under the headings ‘‘Iraq Security Forces Fund’’, ‘‘Afghanistan Security Forces Fund’’, and ‘‘Pakistan Counterinsurgency Fund’’. SEC. 9011. (a) None of the funds made available in this or any other Act may be used to release an individual who is detained, as of J une 24, 2009, at Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, into the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, or the District of Columbia, into any of the United States territories of Guam, American Samoa (AS), the United States V irgin Islands (USVI), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Detain ee s.Cub a. No ti f i c ation. Dea dl ines. R e p o r ts.