Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3599

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123STA T . 3 579PROCL A M AT I O N8 335 —J AN. 6, 2 0 09 Theman a g emen tpl an s an d the ir implementing reg u lati o ns shall im - pose no restri c tions on innocent passage in the territorial sea or other- w ise restrict na v igation , over f light, and other internationall y recog- ni z ed lawful uses of the sea, and shall incorporate the provisions of this proclamation regarding A rmed F orces actions and compliance with international law . This proclamation shall b e applied in accordance with international law. N o restrictions shall apply to or be enforced against a person who is not a citizen, national, or resident alien of the U nited S tates ( includ- ing foreign flag vessels ) unless in accordance with international law. Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to diminish or enlarge the j urisdiction of the C ommonwealth of the Northern M ariana I slands. AdvisoryC o unc i l The Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce, within 3 months of the date of this proclamation and after considering recommendations from the G overnor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Secretary of D efense, and the Secretary of H omeland Security, shall establish the Mariana Monument Advisory Council to provide advice and recommendations on the development of management plans and management of the monument. The Advisory Council shall consist of three officials of the Government of the Commonwealth of the North- ern Mariana Islands and one representative each from the Department of Defense and the United States Coast Guard. Members of the Advisory Council will be appointed for a term of 3 years by the Secretaries of the Interior and Commerce after nomination by the head of the pertinent e x ecutive branch agency or, with respect to the officials of the Government of the Commonwealth of the North- ern Mariana Islands, by the Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Advisory Council will adopt such pro- cedures as it deems necessary to govern its activities. E ach partici- pating agency shall be responsible for the expenses of its representative and the Departments of the Interior and Commerce shall be e q ually re- sponsible for the costs of the Advisory Council. Eme r g encies ,Nat ional S ecurity, and L a w En f orcement Activities 1 . The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to ac- tivities necessary to respond to emergencies threatening life, property, or the environment, or to activities necessary for national security or law enforcement purposes. 2 . Nothing in this proclamation shall limit agency actions to respond to emergencies posing an unacceptable threat to human health or safety or to the marine environment and admitting of no other feasible solu- tion. Armed F orces Actions 1. The prohibitions required by this proclamation shall not apply to ac- tivities and exercises of the Armed Forces (including those carried out by the United States Coast Guard). 2. The Armed Forces shall ensure, by the adoption of appropriate measures not impairing operations or operational capabilities, that its vessels and aircraft act in a manner consistent, so far as is reasonable and practicable, with this proclamation.