Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/394

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123STA T . 3 74PUBLIC LA W 111 –5—FE B. 17 , 2 0 0 9toimple me n t a t r a d ea g reement to wh i c h the U nited S tate s is a part y, the C ommission shall promptly noti f y the Secretary of L a b or and the Secretary of Commerce and, in the case of a determination with respect to an agric u ltural commodity, the Secretary of A griculture, of the determination .‘ ‘ (3)NOTIF I CA TIO NSREG AR D ING TE X TI L EANDA P PAREL SAFE - G U ARDS. — Upon ma k ing an affirmati v e determination in a pro- ceeding initiated under any safeguard provision relating to te x tile and apparel articles that is enacted to implement a trade agreement to which the United States is a party, the P resident shall promptly notify the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce of the determination. ‘‘(e) NOTIFICATIONS F OLLO W ING CERTAIN AFFIR M ATI V E D ETER- MINATIONS UNDER T ITLE V IIOFT H E TARIFF ACT OF 19 3 0 .—Upon making an affirmative determination under section 7 0 5 (b)(1)(A) or 735(b)(1)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1 6 71d(b)(1)(A) and 1673d(b)(1)(A)), the Commission shall promptly notify the Sec- retary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce and, in the case of a determination with respect to an agricultural commodity, the Secretary of Agriculture, of the determination. ‘‘(f) I NDUSTR Y NOTIFICATION OF ASSISTANCE.—Upon receiving a notification of a determination under subsection (c), (d), or (e) with respect to a domestic industry— ‘‘(1) the Secretary of Labor shall— ‘‘(A) notify the representatives of the domestic industry affected by the determination, firms publicly identified by name during the course of the proceeding relating to the determination, and any certified or recogni z ed union or, to the extent practicable, other duly authorized representa- tive of workers employed by such representatives of the domestic industry, of— ‘‘(i) the allowances, training, employment services, and other benefits available under this chapter

‘‘(ii) the manner in which to file a petition and apply for such benefits; and ‘‘(iii) the availability of assistance in filing such petitions; ‘‘( B ) notify the G overnor of each State in which one or more firms in the industry described in subparagraph (A) are located of the Commission ’ s determination and the identity of the firms; and ‘‘(C) upon re q uest, provide any assistance that is nec- essary to file a petition under section 2 21; ‘‘(2) the Secretary of Commerce shall— ‘‘(A) notify the representatives of the domestic industry affected by the determination and any firms publicly identi- fied by name during the course of the proceeding relating to the determination of— ‘‘(i) the benefits available under chapter 3; ‘‘(ii) the manner in which to file a petition and apply for such benefits; and ‘‘(iii) the availability of assistance in filing such petitions; and ‘‘(B) upon request, provide any assistance that is nec- essary to file a petition under section 251; and