Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/989

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123STA T .96 9 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 09 MAN A GEM EN T AN DA DM I NI S T R ATI O N W OR K ING C A P ITA LFU ND Forad d it io n a lc a p ital f ort heW or k in gC apital F u nd (42U.S .C. 35 35 ) for the de v elop m ent of , modification s to, and infrastructure for D epartment -w ide information technolog y systems, for the con- tinuing operation and maintenance of b oth Department-wide and program-specific information systems, and for program-related development activities, $ 224, 0 00,000, to remain available until Sep- tember 30, 20 1 0, of which not less than $4,000,000 shall be used for planning for moderni z ing, improving and maintaining informa- tion technology applications and infrastructure supporting the F H A


d ,T hat any amounts transferred to this Fund under this Act shall remain available until e x pended: Provided fu r th er, That any amounts transferred to this Fund from amounts appropriated by previously enacted appropriations Acts or from within this Act may be used only for the purposes specified under this Fund, in addition to the purposes for which such amounts were appro- priated: Provided further, That up to $15,000,000 may be trans- ferred to this account from all other accounts in this title (except for the O ffice of the I nspector G eneral account) that make funds available for salaries and expenses. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL For necessary salaries and expenses of the Office of Inspector General in carrying out the Inspector General Act of 1 978 ,as amended, $120,000,000: Provided, That the Inspector General shall have independent authority over all personnel issues within this office. GENERAL P RO V ISIONS — DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UR B AN DEVELOPMENT ( INCLUDING RESCISSION OF FUNDS ) SEC. 201. Fifty percent of the amounts of budget authority, or in lieu thereof 50 percent of the cash amounts associated with such budget authority, that are recaptured from pro j ects described in section 1012(a) of the Stewart B .Mc K inney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. 1437 note) shall be rescinded or in the case of cash, shall be remitted to the Treasury, and such amounts of budget authority or cash recaptured and not rescinded or remitted to the Treasury shall be used by State housing finance agencies or local governments or local housing agencies with projects approved by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for which settlement occurred after J anuary 1, 1992, in accordance with such section. N otwithstanding the previous sen- tence, the Secretary may award up to 15 percent of the budget authority or cash recaptured and not rescinded or remitted to the Treasury to provide project owners with incentives to refinance their project at a lower interest rate. SEC. 202. None of the amounts made available under this Act may be used during fiscal year 2009 to investigate or prosecute under the Fair Housing Act any otherwise lawful activity engaged in by one or more persons, including the filing or maintaining of a non-frivolous legal action, that is engaged in solely for the