Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/14

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[N0. 68.] Mzsicivzns. A resolution explanatory of an act entitled "An Act to increase thepoy of soldiers in the United Smtes army, and for other purposes, approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. July 2, 1864. .. . . 416 [N0. 75.] Ma/rons in Hospitals. A resolution to increase the compensation of matrons in the hospitals. July 4, 1864. . 416 [N 0. 76.] S7wT€7`S by Accident at Arsenal. J cint resolution for the relief of the sufferers by sl late accident at the U. S. Arsenal in Washington, D. C. July 4, 1864 . ... . 416 [N0. 77.] Special Income Duty. Joint resolution imposing a special income duty. July 4, 1864. 417 N . 78. Sta -0 the L' ten t—G¢ncral. Joint resolution explanatory ofa. joint resolu- [ 0 tilm relgivggipagof staigfoiiitgers of the Lieutenant-General July 4, 1864. . 4l7 STATUTE II. - 1864-5. Quarantine and Health Laws in New York. An act in addition to the “Act respecting quarantines and health laws," approved February twenty-fifth, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and for the better execution of the third ection thereof. December 15, 419 1864, ch. 1 ... . .. District Counts in Indiana. An act authorizing the holding of a, special session of the United States district court for the district of Indiana. December 20, 1864, eh. 2 . 419 Steam Revenue-Gutters for the Lakes. An act to authorize the purchase or construction of revenue-cutters on the lakes. December 20, 1864, ch. 3. . . . 419 Grade of Wee-Admiral. An act to establish the grade of vice-admiral in the United States navy. December 21, 1864, ch. 6 . 420 Internal Revenue Act amended. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to provide internal revenue to support the government, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes," approved June thirtietb, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. December 22, 1864, ch. 8 . .. . . . 420 l`Wtha’»·awaI ry Goods J9-om Public Stores. An act to extend the time allowed for the withdrawal of certain goods therein named from public stores. December 22, 1864, ch. 9. . 42) Smithsonian Instimzion. An act to repeal the provision of law requiring certain regents of the Smitillsonian Institution to be members of the National Institute. January 10, 1866, ch. . . 420 Pensions Appropriation. nn act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other pegswns of the ignited Stppeslgojxg the yegr ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred an sixty-six. zmuary ,, ch. 1‘ . . . . 421 Mano/augbter in the District <y" Columbia. An act to amend an act entitled “An act for the punishment of crimes in the District of Columbia," approved March second, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. January 13, 1865, ch. 18 . . 421 Postage between Kansas and Ca1g"omia. dn act to amend, an act entitled "An act to provide for carrying the mails from the United States to foreign ports, and for other purposes," appr$cd' Merch twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. January 20, 1865, 421 c . . . . Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation. An act making appropriations for the consular and diploigxsgieiepépesnics olf the goiéerxpgggt féor {ge year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hundred 422 -1 . anuary , , e1. . . . Advance of Rank to Army ana} Navy Ofcom: _An act to provide for an advance of rank to officers of tho navy and marine corps for distinguished merit. January 24, 1865, eh. 19. ... 424 Oath ofALtornzys and Counsellors. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to prescribe ggtgathoof o)giYc`e;u`:;7u{g4f<;rB(§>ghg:· réarposesf approved July two, eighteen hundred and 424 - . 1. ... Treasury Notes may be issued in’L1'eu of Bonds. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide ways and for the support of the government, and for other purposes," upproved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. January 28, 1865, ch. 22 .. 425 Post- Ojfoe Appropriation. An act mnleing appropriations for the service of the postroffice depart- Suent duréx18ggi(e5iisclpl {ger ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. auuary , , c . ‘ . . 425 lV'mhirg::’r;llf£;s);I;jgh5'Cmpan_géb acthtn 22mm1d the charter of the " 'Washington Gas-Light . auuary c . ... . . . 426 Metropolitan Railroad Company. ,Au act to amend an awt entitled "An act to incorporate the Metropolitan Railroad Compang in the District of Columbia," approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. anuary 30, 1865, ch. 25 .. 426 1+ank/zn Insurance Company. An not to amend the act entitled "An act to amend and extend the charter of the Franklin Insurance Company," approved second March, eighteen hundred and thu·ty-eight. January 30, 1865, ch. 26 ... . 426