Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/648

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620 TREATY WITH THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. FEBRUARY 25, 1862. migggfnts *3; at the end of fourteen years, (that sions du Traite auront regu leur g,v€u1&c_y time being fixed, as the provisions pleine et entiere execution) de of this treaty will then have come meme qu’ al’expiration de lavingt-et into full force,) notice for its revis- unieme annee, si elle a le projet de ion, or for its determination at the le reviser, ou de le faire cesser a expiration of a year from the date Yexpiration d’une annee, a partir de of that notice, and so again at la date de cette notification. the end of twenty-one years. Le present Traite sera exécutoire Trcatyynbs The present treaty shall receive dans toutes et dans chacune des

 its execution in all and every one Provinces de l’Empire Ottoman,

the 16mm?,,, of the provinces of the Ottoman c’est-a,-dire, dans tous les Etats de Sa Empire- Empire; that is to say, in all the Majesté Imperiale le Sultan situés possessions of his Imperial Majesty en Europe ou en Asie, en Egypte et the Sultan, situated in Europe or in dans les autres parties de l’Afrique, Asia, in Egypt, and in the other appartenant a la Sublime Porte, en parts of Africa belonging to the Serbie, et dans les Principautés Sublime Porte, in Servia, and in Unies de Moldavie et de Valachie. the united Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. ARTICLE XXI. ARTICLE xxx. Treaty to be It is always understood that the Il est toujours entendu que le Gou- °°“S““€d md?- government of the United States vernement des Etats-Unis d’Amerof America does not pretend, by ique ne pretend point, par aucun arany article in the present treaty to ticle du present Traite stipuler au stipulate for more than the plain dela du sens clair et equitable des and fair construction of the terms termes employes, ni entraver, en employed, nor to preclude in any aucune maniere, le Gouvernement manner the Ottoman government Ottoman, dans Pexercice desesdroits from the exercise of its rights of d’administration interieure, autant, internal administration where the toutefois, que ccs droits ne porteront exercise of these rights does not pas une atteinte manifeste aux privievidently infringe upon the privi— leges accordes par les Traites anleges accorded by ancient treaties ciens, ou par celui—ci aux citoyens or by the present treaty to cit- des Etats-Unis d’Amerique, ou a izens of the United States or their leurs marchandises. merchandise. ARTICLE xx1I. ARTICLE xxn. Tariff ofcus— The high contracting parties Les Hautes Parties Contractan-

  • tg"l;h;é*;;8g“;;€’ have agreed to appoint, jointly, tes sont convenues de nominer, con-

` commissioners for the settlement of jointement des Commissaires pour a tariff of custom-house duties, to établir le Tarif des Droits de be levied in conformity with the Douane a percevoir, conformement stipulations of the present treaty, aux stipulations du present Traité, as well upon merchandise of ev- tant sur les marchandises de toute ery description, being the produce espece provenant des produits du or manufacture of the United States sol ou de l’industrie des Etats-Unis of America, imported into the Otto- d’Amerique importées dans l’Empire man Empire, as upon articles of Ottoman, que sur les articles, de every· description the produce or toute sorte, provenant des produits manufacture of the Ottoman Em- du sol, ou de Pindustrie de l’Empire pire and its possessions, which cit- Ottoman, articles que les citoyens izens of the United States or their des Etats-Unis dAmerique, ou leurs agents are free to purchase in any ayant cause sont libres d’acheter part of the Ottoman Empire for ex- dans toutes les parties de l’Empire portation to the United States or Ottoman, pour les exporter soit dans