Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/888

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860 INDEX. Tbbaeco, (continued.) Treasurer cfthe United States, (continued.) to be furnished enlisted men at cost office oi, reorganized, . 159, 160 prices, 497 employment and salary of, authorized,. . 159 provisions of revenue law concerning assistant treasurer, ... 159 manufacture, &c., ot} . . 474, 475, 477, 485 cashier and assistant, . 159 _ See Internal Revenue. chief of division of issues, 159 importation oi, into Turkey, forbidden, 617 of redemption,. .. 159 no export duty on, in Turkey, . 617 of loans, · . 159 Tobacco Stems, of accounts, , 159 import duty on, . . 493 of national banks, .. 160 Ton, two principal book-keepers, ... 160 the, under internal revenue act, to be tellers and assistant tellers, 160 2000 pounds, ... 268 chief clerk and other clerks, .. -. 160 Tonnage. See Vessels. Tmasurers, _ of ships and vessels, how to be meas- acting assistant, provisions concerning,. 427 ured, _ . 69 bond of principal to cover act ot, .. 427 in determining tonnage, no part of ves- subject to penalties, .. 427 sel above first decks, used for cabins, Treasury Department, &c., to be measured, 444 appropriations for the, 149, 150 Tonnage Dues. See Belgium. to credit Navy Department with prize in Belgian ports to cease, . 648 money received, &c., . .. 311 not to be reéstablished, ... 648, 656, 660 Secretary ot] authorized to anticipate Iimnage Duty, payment of interest on public debt,.. 404 on certain vessels,. ... 493 accommodation of clerks of,. .. 459 Town Property, Treasury Extension, act to dispose of} in public domain, . 343 appro riations for, ... . . 24, 25 town or city sites, how disposed oi in Treasury See Bonds. public domain, . 343 appropriation for expenses of} . 158 when liable to private entry, .. 344 Secretary of Treasury may issue not actual settlers on, rights of, ... 344 over $200000,000 oi in lieu of an extension limits oi on imsur- equal amount of bonds, . 218 veyed lands, how adjusted,. 344 denominations, and when payable, . 218 patents for, how issued, ... 344 interest payable in lawful money, .. 218 surveys, how and when may be how far a legal tender,. ... 218 made, if maps, &.c., not Bled with- convertible into bonds, 219 in twelve months, .. 344 may be substituted for notes of previous Secretary of Interior to make regu- issues, 219 lotions about, .. 344 bonds may be issued in exchange for repeal of act of 1844, ch. 17, relat- those previously issued, . 219 ing to, 344 form oi, how executed, ... 220 Town Sites, to bear impress of seal of treasury, 220 claim for, not to be barred, though area. to have certain statements printed on is in excess of 640 acres, 530 them, . . . . . 220 minimum price of lots, ... 530 expenses of issuing, how borne,. ... 221 right to town lots subject to acquired penalty for counterfeiting, &c., 221, 222 possessory rights in mineral veins,.. . 530 may be issued in lieu of bonds under no color of title recognized in possessors act of June 30, 1864, ... 425 for mining purposes as against the bonds and notes not to exceed $400,000,- United States, . 530 000, ... 425 Towson, Dorsey Edwin William, how may be disposed of} .. 425 to take the name of Dorsey Edwin Wil- exempt from taxation, 425 liam Carter, ... 597 no additional legal-tender notes author- Trade, ized, .. 425 restrictions upon, in territory east of the See Loan. Mississippi removed,. ... 768 Secretary of Treasury may issue to an west of the Mississippi, . . . 769 amount not exceeding $600,000,000,. . 468 Transfer, Treatm, of persons from military to naval ser- with Belgium, ... 647, 665 vice,, . 402 Chippewas, . 667, 689, 693 prize money to be in lieu of bounty, 402 Colombia, ... 685 conditions of, &c., 402 Denmark, .. . 605 law permitting, repealed,. . 119 Ecuador, . . .. 631 T ransfer Enlistments, Great Britain, ... . ... 645, 651 limit to number oi ... 7 Huyti, .. 711 from army to navy, act permitting, re- Honduras, . . . 699 pealed, 119 Kickupoos, .. 623 Transportation, Ottoman Empire, 609 appropriations for, 21, 128, 496 Peru, ... 685, 639 of the army, appropriations for, 126, 128, 496 Shoshonees, . 668 Transportation ompanies, {$1:., Shoshonee-Goship Indians,.. . . 681 duty upon, .. 477 Utahs, ., 67 3 Treasurer of the United States, Treaty with Great Britain, appropriations for office of} 149, 150 regulating naval force on the lakes, nowdditional clerks in ofice ot,. .. 27 tioe to terminate, . . . 685