Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/808

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TTS TREATY WITH THE CHOCTAWS AND CIIICKASAWS. APRIL 28, 1866. shall have the same effect in their behalf as the occupancies of Choctaws and Cliickasaws; and after the said Choctaws and Chickasaws have made their selections as aforesaid, the said persons of African descent mentioned in the third article of the treaty, shall make their selection as therein provided, in the event of the making of the laws, rules, and regulations aforesaid, after the expiration of ninety days from the date at which the Kansas Indians are to make their selections as therein provided, and the actual occupancy of such persons of African descent shall have the same effect in their behalf as the occupancies of the Choctaws and Chiclaasaws. siren Kansas Anr1ci.1·: XXXL And whereas some time must necessarily elapse ‘_"‘*‘"“S ‘“”§' before the surveys, maps, and selections herein provided for can be comeoine at onte. . . . . . . pleted so as to permit the said Kansas Indians to make their selections in their order, during which time the United States may desire to remove the said Indians irom their present abiding places, it is hereby agreed that the said Indians may at once come into the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, settling themselves temporarily as citizens of the said nations, respectively, upon such land as suits them and is not already occupied. Documents in Anrrcnn XXXII. At the expiration of two years, or sooner, if the hind offices to be President of the United States shall so direct, from the completion of the §i:QfQ'£dC鑧§k_ surveys and maps atbresaid, the officers of the land offices atoresaid shall iismvs in two deliver to the executive departments of the Choctaw and Chickasaw na- 5'°="S· tions, respectively, all such documents as may be necessary to elucidate the land title as settled according to this treaty, and forward copies thereot, with the field-notes, records, and other papers pertaining to said titles, i>,-Ocwggngs to the commissioner of the general land office; and thereafter gi-ants of ¤t¤¢¥W¤Fd¤· land and patents therefor shall be issued in such manner as the legislative authorities of said nations may provide for all the unselected portions of the Choctaw and Chickasaw districts as defined by the treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five. selected land, Anricnn XXXIIL All lands selected as herein provided shall to be held in thereafter he held in severalty by the respective parties, and the unse- §;;'°;:;*g,é lected land shall be the common property of the Choctaw and Chickasaw in connnon. nations, in their corporate capacities, subject to the joint control of their legislative authorities. Thoseprevent- ARTICLE XXXIV. Should any Choctawor Chickasaw be prevented 9d fg0m selecting from selecting for him or herself during the the ninety days aforesaid, the

ga‘v’;;§Zc€2_lZ;I_ htilure to do so shall not authorize another to select the quarter-section

waids. containing his improvement, but he may at any time make his selection thereof, subject to having his boundaries made to conform to legal divisions as aforesaid. Selection, Anricnn XXXV. Should the selections aforesaid not be made before after transfer ¤f the ti-mister of the land records to the executive authorities of said nahmd r°°°rd°' tions, respectively, they shall be made according to such regulations as the legislative authorities of the two nations, respectively, may prescribe, to the end that full justice and equity may be done to the citizens of the respective territories. Selected land Anrrcnn XXXVI. Should any land that has been selected under

  • ";*;f°'f;sf°;x_ the provisions of this treaty be abandoned and left uncultivated for tho

c€pt_&’Q_m,{y be space of seven years by the party selecting the same, or his heirs, except rented, Sw- in the case of infants under the age of twenty-one years, or married women, or persons non compos mentis, the legislative authorities of the nation where such land lies may either rent the same for the beneiit of those interested, or dispose of the same otherwise for their benefit, and may pass all laws necessary to give effect to this provision. rayinent by Anrrcnn XXXVIL In consideration of the right of selection hereght:tg:g)$‘§andS inbetore accorded to certain Indians other than the Choctaws and Chick- Smmd by asaws, the United States agree to pay to the Choctaw and Chickasaw other Indians. nations, out of the funds of Indians removing into said nations respectively, under the provisions of this treaty, such sum as may be tixed by the