Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/867

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~ INDEX. 837 Bankruptcy, (continued.) Bankruptcy, (continued.) BA.1TKRUPT,S mscusnom nm ms mrr¤c·r. PARTNERSHIP! Arm COBPORA’l‘IONS· bankrupt may apply to court for u dis~ warrant may issue to take the joint and charge . . . . . . . .· 531 separate estate of the partnership und within what time application may be partner . . .. 534 made . 53l creditors of {partnership, and separate notice thereof by mail and by publica— creditors o partners to prove their tion to creditors to appear and show debts .. . . . . 534 cause, &c . 531 assignee to be chosen by creditors of comdischarge not to be granted, or, if grunted, puny . .. 534, 535 not to be valid if, &c. 53l, 532 to keep separate accounts of assets of before being granted, bankrupt to copartnership and of individual memtake and subscribe an oath that bers 535 he has done nothing to cause the net proceeds of the several estates, how withholding or invalidation of to heap lied . 535 his discharge . 532 certificate ofpdischarge to be granted or persons once dischurgul, and again bunk- refused each partner, as if proceedings rupt on their own application, not to were alone against him .. 535 be di charged, unless, &c . 532 if partners reside in different districts, the those a second time bankrupt maybe dis- court in which the petition is filed, to charged as at the first time, upon proof retain jurisdiction ... 535 of payment of, or release from, al pre- _ this not to apply to all moncyed business vious debts 532 or commercial corporations and joint creditors opposing discharge, to file speci- stock companies 535 ficetion in writing .. 532 proceedings by and against such comquestion of fact so arising, where to panics . 535, 5:16 bc tried . . 532 fraudulent preferences and convcyances certificate of disclmrge, form and effect of 533 by, to be governed by same law us incertain debts not discharged under this dividual debtors 535 uct . . .. 533 no allowance or discharge to be granted debts may be proved and receive to any corporation or joint stock comdividend . . . 533 pany . , 535 dividend to bedeemed a payment not to any officer or member thereof 535 on account. 533 when corporation is declared bankrupt, discharge not to affect the liability of co- its assets to be distributed among its partner, joint contractor, indorser, &c.. 533 creditors . ... 535 in proceedings commenced after one year from act taking effect, discharge not to DATES AND DEpOS,T,ONB_ be granted, unless assets pay fifty per cent of debts, unless assent, &c 533 filing of petition to be deemed the comdischarge to release bankrupt from all mencement of proceedings ... 535 debts proveble . . 533 proceedings in all cases to be deemed how may be pleaded .. 533 matters of record. . - . 535 validity of may be contested ... 533 how to be kept .. 535 proceedings in such case ... 533 not to be recorded at length. ... 535 to be commenced within two copies of records, under seal of court, to years . . 533 e prime. facie evidence .. 536 notice to bankrupt 533 evidence or examinations in any proceedif court find un y alleged fraudulent ing under this act, how and before oct proved, and that it was un- whom may he taken 536 known to creditor at time of grant- attendance of witnesses, production of ing discharge, discharge to be en- books, &c. and giving of testimony, nailed . 533 muy be compelled .. 536 if no fraud is proved, or, if proved, it was known, Sec., discharge to INVOLUNTARY BANKRUFECY. stand . 534 what to be deemed acts of bankruptcy. . 536 rxsrsnsucns up ruauoctuur cowvmnmoss, P°"“°“’ °°mm*m“S» *0 b° *‘~*lJ¤<lE°d _ bcnkrupts . eso preferences and fraudulent conveyances proceedings in such case .. 535 declared void . . 534 one or more creditors may petition . . 536 sales, &c. not made in the usual and ordi- their claims to amount to $250 . 536 nary course of business of the debtor, petition to be brought within six months, to be prima facie evidence of fraud ,... 534 &e . . . . .. . . 536 contracts, conveyances, Svc. in trust for n. if persons arc declared bankrupts, assignee creditor, void ... 534 may recover money, Ste. paid, &c. or with intent to induce forbcere.nce. 534 contrary to this act, if creditor receivcrcditors receiving money, &c. as an in- ing had reasonable cause to believe, &c. 536 ducement for forbearance, or for con- such creditor not to be permitted to scnting to discharge, to forfeit share in prove his debt . .. . . . ., 535 dividends and double amount received. 534 upon filing petition debtor to be notified such amount to be recovered by as- to appear and show cause 536 signee . 534 within what time to appear .. . . 536