Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/893

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INDEX. $63 Ouwm-Houses, (continued.) Daniel, Levisa, n;Chm·lsst,on . 310,470 pensionto. .. 629 Cincinnati . . . . . ... .. 17 Darren, Isthmus of; Des Moines . 319 survey for ship canal .. 311 Dubuque . . . 17 David’s Island, Island Pond ... , . . .. 23 in Liing Island Sound, to be purchased. . 566 Machine ... . .. . 461 Davis, Hmzjy S., Middletown, Ct .. 311, 461 payment to, for work done on ps.oent»of5oo New Orleans . .. 460 uilding. .. 625 Newport .. . 461 Dead Letters, New York . 461 to be restored to writers Hoo of postage.. 60 Philadelfmhia .. 17, 25 Deaf and Dumb. Soo Columbian Institution, Q1:. Pormlan .. . ... . ... 22, 26, 319 appro rlacions for the .. .21, 3l7, 464, 465 Providonco . 22 Deqf and Bumb, Institutions jbr the, St. Albans . 22 certain articles manufactured in, not cx- St. Paul . . .. 316 empt from tax . . .. . . 475 Toledo . 310 Deaf Mums, Wiscnssct, . 460 not over bon in number may be received Secretary of Treasury may sell ut unc- into tho Columbian Institution, and sion no buildings and grounds known how. . . . ... 464 ns De Alma, Col. Henry Cfmrles, Al<>xn.ndi·ia. . . 467 Payment to, for military services 6l2 New Haven . 467 Deal s Island, Norfolk . 467 offico of deputy collector at, discontin- Pcrch Amboy 467 ucd ... 411 Portsmouth ... . ... 467 Debt. Seo Imprisonment for Debt. Suckows Harbor . 461 provision as no disclmrgo from imprison- Wiscnssct . , .. 460 ment for ... 543 may oxccuto tho needful conveyunces Debls. Sm Bankmpiey. therefor.. . 467 provnblo against l>¤nkrupt's estate .. 525 Customs, proof of, y resident and nomresidont appropriation for expenses of collusion creditors ..,... ·. 527 of revenue from ... . . ... 354 evidences of, lofn in court, how and to Custom Officers, Qc., whom may be delivered ... . . 528 salaries of certain, changed and estab- Deceased Soldiers and Sailors, lished .. 808 national ccmemrios for the burial of, osblank books, stationery, &c. to be fur- tablishod . ... . . . 399 nishcd to, on requisition . 308 Decree: in Equiqq, expenses of, how charged. . . .. .. 308 eilbct of sales under, in tho District of Cuyahoga River, Columbia, upon rights of former owner 406 nt Cleveland, Ohio, swing bridge: may be court may order particular forms of conerected ovcr and upon government vcysmce .. .. 406 piors .. . . ... . . . . . . . 362 Declaration of Rgghis, plan, &c. of, how to be determined. . 362 of Msxylnn , tho 34th section of, prohibitinn certain solos, gifts, and devises, em- D nu lcd . 282 · such gifts, Gm. when no be made 232 Dakotaa, Deed, appropriations for the . 273, 274, 508, 509 of ronl estate sold for taxon . . . . 109 Dakota Tmitmy, to be given upon surrondcr of certificate appropriations {br Indian service in..280, 512 of purchase 109 for government in . 204, 454 to be prima facie evidence of rocimls post·mads csmblishcd in . 6, 287, 288 therein .. . . 109 arms and ammunition for defence of in- to convoy what .. . . . ... 109 hnbicnnts of] against hostile Indiunsl. . 26 D¢?hd(lHt8 net proceeds of internal revenue of for in criminal cases in cho District of Cothree years to be applied to erection of lumbin may have witnesses for them puninemiurics in 377 summoned and paid for by tho govamlimit of amount to be expended 377 mont . . . . . . .407, 408 nt what places to bn erected 377 De;/icimqy Appropriations, Damaged Merchandise, for tho years ending Juno 30, 1866 and assistant appraiser to examine .. 303 1867. .14-26, 324-327, 373, 393, 468.-471 Damages, coast survey ..., I4, 15 to be nid to four treaty powers by Japan, lighthouse establishment. ._ . . . .15, 16, 324 for llosmile acts of Prince Niigata, 665 coasts of California, Oregon, and the opening of ss. port: in tho Inland Son _ Washington: _ ... 16, 17 may be accepted in licu thamof 665, 666 repairs, &c. of public buildings. .l7, 325, 373, to loyal Seminoles driven from their 469 homes . 757 Treasury extension ... 17 to loyal Chocmws, &c. driven from their oourtphonsos at homes . L ... 780 Baltimore . . 17, 26 to loyal citizens for damages by Choctnws, Boston .. 22 &c . . .. 780 Indianapolis . 22 to loyal Crooks, enlisted soldiers. . . . 787 Portland. . . . 20