Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/947

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INDEX. 917 Neva} Academy, Naval Stations, appropriations for expenses of 26, 37, 490 approdpriations for, at Sackett’s Harbor visitors at ... 490 an Mound City ... . ... 490 for purchase of land, and erection of Naval Stonleerfurs, buildings, shops, &o. at . . . . . 87 pay of c erks to, increased twenty-five for increase of library .. 37 per cent ... 345 for enlargement of chapel and erec- when required at uavy·yards, how to be tion of mural tablets B7 a inted . . 490 examination of candidates for, when to Naval lgolagnteer Service, be had . . .. 89 appointments from, to certain grades of no person who has served in the militar ine oillcers in the nav .. 222 or naval service of the so-called Confed); board for examination 0; candidates 222 crate States to beappointed to 59 who may apply for examination 292, 223 appropriation to introduce water into the 201 provision for those at sea, or on foreign appropriation for chapel ... 311 stations ... 223 number of midshipmen that may be ap- President may retain or appoint volunpointed to the .. 517 teer officers in the navy . 223 reduction not to affect present ap- Navigation Apparatus and Supplies, pointment or vacancies - 517 appropriation for . 83 sterekeeper at the, how to be detailed. . . 516 Navigation, Bureau { may procure clothing, &c. for mid- appropriations or 84, 200, 201, 450, 45l, 490 s ipmen ... 516 a ditional clerks in, authorized .. . . . 207 regulations therefor to be pre- Navigation Laws, scribed by the Secretary of to appl to all vessels, except, &c. ... 228 the Navy .. 516 of the Suited States, what vessels subject Naval Asylum, to ..,... . . . ... 411 law establishing in connection with a ssa-going steam vessels subject to, when military asylum, repealed 11 under way, except upon the high seas, approprianons for .. 37, 490 to be under the direction of pilots ...,. 412 certain disabled persons, in lieu of having certain existing re ulations under n. home provided for them at, to receive State laws not nfigcted .. . . . . 412 from naval pension fund n. sum equal Navy, to half the pay of their rating when dis- up ropriation for, for the years ending charged ... . .. . 516 Sane 80, 1867 and 1868 33, B8, 489, 490 Naval Constructors, -pay of officers, seamen, and engineer n pointment, rank, and pay of . 228 corps . , . 83, 489 Navafllospi/als, bounties to discharged seamen . . 33 appropriulions for the, at equipment, surgeons, necessaries, &e. 33 Annapolis . . ... 36 navigation apparatus and supplies. .. 38 Boston. . .· . . . . . 491 contingent enépenses. .. 83 New York . 491 bureau of ya s and docks ... 33, 489 Philadelphia . . . 491 of equipment and recruiting. . . . .34, 490 Washington ... 491 of navigation ... z . .84, 490 Norfolk . .. 491 of medicine and surgery . 34., 491 Mare Island .. . 491 of construction and repair . 491 Naval Judge-Adt·oca(e-Gevneral, of steam engineering . 491 n propriations for the . .. . . . . . . 450 of provisions and clothing . 491 Navaflauborutory, marine corps . . ... . .34, 491, 492 Wnrppropriutions for 489 navy-yards ...,. 34, 36, 489, 490 Na Observatory, naval hospitals ... . ... ..36, 491 a propriations for .. 37, 490 naval laboratory . . 489 Navalp0_§Eeer, miscellaneous .. . 36, 37 oftice oC and of subordinate offices, may civil establishment at navy-yards 36, 490, 491 be suspended, except, &.c. and duties pay of clerks at Portsmouth and Philade1· esigned to deputy collector or in- phia .. 36 specter 185 testing petroleum as fuel ... 87 fines, &c, incurring to, after such discern- levee at Mound City . .. 37 tinuance to be paid into the treasury. . 185 naval academy . 37, 490 Naval Officers. See Fines, &·c. expenses of visitors at ... 490 share of proceeds of fines, penalties, &c. naval observatory .. 37, 490 from seizures under customs luws . 546, naval asylum .. 37, 490 547 bounties for destruction of enemies' ves· Naval Pension F und. sels.. . ... _ . . . . . .. ._ 37 certain disabled persons to receive from no part of appropriation to be paid io the. a sum equal to half the pay of their those who do not take the oath .. . . 37 rating when discharged, in ieu of hav- allowance to officers for rent of quarters, ing in home provided for them at the furniture, fuel, lights, and transporting Naval Asylum . 516 baggage, prohibition of, repealed .. 88 other disabled persons, serving for not acts authorizing? the apponntment of navy less than ten years, &o. may apply for agents repea ed . .: . . . . 38 aid from the surplus income 0 ... 516 examinations of candidates fornnval acad- Sec-etary of Navy to appoint a emy, when to be_held ... . 38 board to examine applicants 517 ollieo of assistant in bureau of ordnance limit of allowance 517 abolished .. 38