Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/977

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INDEX. '947 Secretary of JL. Naqy, (continued.) Secretary ¢y'the Treasury (continued.) may aqcept from the city of Philadelphia to purchase site for custom-house at Islt ie title to Lengue_Islnnd, in the Delar and Pond ... . . 23 vraxc rxlvcr, and adjacent marsh land . . 896 to increase the clerical lbrce in the offico to investigate the claims of contractors of assistant treasurer at 1’hila¤lelphia.. 24 for bail mg vessels of war and steam may receive certain treasury notes, &·c. in tnmhrnpy, u;lde1é6eontru§tsJ made bp- cgcplaxg (ger bonds, and may dispose wecu ny , , an anuary , 0 t c n s ... 81 1864 .. 424 in what amount, and at what rates, 31, 32 to report to Congress a tabular state- pulilie debt not to be inerea<ed hereby. .. 32 U ment of each case .. 424 nmit to amount of notes to be retired 32 tDflllV6SE1gl1IZD the elpllm of W. Wgbb foxlncer act to continue in force, except, or constructing t 0 steamer un er- 32 berg ... . ... . . . 424 toreport to Congress his action unto detail board of elliecrs to multe experi- _ der this authority .. _ . 32 ments to test the power of resistance of to designate the port of entry lor the colturret and broudside systems of nron- lection district of Montana and Idaho. 33 clad vessels of war, and the relative may lease or sell certain marine hospitals power and resistance of guns, plated and revenue cutters . . . .40, 76 shlps,ta(pd gtope lgrtsk . . . . 21.};.4pS, 489 to xspue American registers to certain vesto aeeep ec o gi ,w eno ere _ ytxe ses ... 40 State of ‘Connect1cut, el land in the may remitnnd relimd duties onlcertain Thames r1vcr {Sor naval purposes: . . .1. . 489 produce in tmnsitu when the reciprocity to up oint suim. e erson to examine tie treaty expired . 43 arcllives of the Illxvy Department, &c. to approve of the shape, mottoes, Etc., of to collect, &c. facts to tllustrate the five-cont coin .. 47 hiptory ofl th: navy. . . .],1 . . 490 to iesignntc deposltaries to pay out tocectwititecit 0 ro0·ynn ur- tis coin .. 47 ther exchange of lands in Wallabeut to prescribe rules for the redemption Bay .. 492 of this coin 48 may approve of the purchase by the naval may make regulations for the admisstorckceper at the_ naval academy, of sion of certain proelurc of the lorclothing, &c. for mulshiprnen: 516 esta of Maine free ofdnty ... 56 duty in respccttoapprova orilnsapproval to pause certain expenditures by West of sentences by summary courts-martin 516 irginia to be examined, and paid if as to applications of disabled poisons due ... 68 of the navfy or marine corps, for to determine compensation of compayments rom the naval pension missioners toexamlnethose claims 68 fund .. 516 duties of, under the amending the intermu deliver the iron-clad Onondaga to nal revenue law ... .· . 98-178 (georgia: Quintard, uplpn puy{nent,&c... 543 approval of regulations for the retcdetai an experience nava construct- movalo cotton ... 98,99 or to examine steamships offered on ascertaining the amount of allowthe mail-stenmsipp scirwiice between San ance err drawback on manufac- Fmnciseo and ono u u 544 tures o cotton exported ... 99, 100 may assign a. public vessel for the trans- approval of regulations for ascertainportation of supplies ol' food and cloth- mg the weight of cotton, and for mg to the sutlering people of lhe South 567 marking the same — .. 1 01 to furnish aid and facilities t0_citizens of to appoint the necessary inspectors, the United States undertaking an ex- weaghers, and markers of cotton_ .. 101 plorntion and survey of the Isthmus approval of regulations for receiving of Darien, for n ship canal between the ids and making contracts for sup- Atlantic anld Pacifip Oceans . I 567 plygng lstationery, &e. to assessors 105 may grant t o use o' certain vcsse s or an eo eerors ... t .. hulks to commissioners of quarantine, to fix additional compensation for Cnc. z .. . 569, 570 certain assessors and assxstnnt asto rant the use of two eleven-inch Dahl- sessors 105 gran guns to John Ridgvray, for use in to eausosurplus proceeds of sales of experimental {trials ol' Ridg·way's pat- 570 diistramecl property toiiodpanl no entrevelvin ntlery the person legally entire to re- Secretary of the Scngte, ceive the same . 108 at the end ol' each session to furnish lists to prescribe regulations fer the reof nominations, rejections, &e. to, &e.. 481 fundipg of taxes wrongfully as· In Secrela o 't/uz Treasury sessee .. . . . Z . . tcxiilrgnnd term of office of 430 t0tprescrilr:oregui_ations for statrnpnlg appropriations for olhce of .. 194, 444 ie ro act 0 no assay 0 go tginiulle regulations respecting rho prohi- or sirvcr assayed .. . . Z. . 132 birion of the importation of neat cattle, for the inspegion anrzvnluution 38 &·c 2 4 0fciu,rs,eeroots, 1 may determine to suspend the operation , as to tlne shares to be paul inof the law prohibning the importation formers .. :145, 146 of neat cattle .. . ..,. 4 for compromising eases arising may appoint assistant assessors of inter- under the internal·revenuc nal revenue ... 2 laws . . 146