Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/980

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950 INDEX. Secretary ¢y’ War, (continued.) Secretary { War, (continued.) _ nddinional employees in odico of 449 to ua e immediate measures respecting to issue arms and ammunimion for dcfouco the burial of soldiers who died in the of inhabitants of Dakota Territory 26 military scrvico of the United States to cxaminc and scttlc the claim of cnn- during the rebellion . 358 sylvanin for payments to the militia 32 to grant the use of certain lumber for may cause examinations and rc-exa.mina- tho fair for the Soldiers' and Sailors' tions, and changes in plans of public Orphan Home ,. 356 works .. . ... . .. 71 to prescribe regulations for the selection to be satisfied that ccrtuin whnrvcs, &c. of candidates for admission to the milibelong to the United States before cx· tary academy .. 360 pcndimres are made . . ... 73 m cause bounty to be paid no certain Inas to expenditures by Michigan City dian regiments . 360 Harbor Company . .. 73 to permit a. swini railroad bridge to be to apply appropriations for public works, erected across t. c Cuyahoga river over for other purposes than examinations and above the government piers at and surveys by contract . 73 Cleveland, Ohio. ... 362 00 report results of surveys to Con- to transfer to the Illinois Soldiers' Coigress ... 73 lege and Military Academy, cots and to report no Congress bids for works and bedding for the use of free students in materials for, and names of bidders. .73, 74 said institution disabled by the war. . . 366 to cause examinations and surveys of cer- to appoint a competent person to arrange tain dcsignand places . . . 74 and prepare for ublicaziou the official in establish the position of railroad across history of the rcgcllicn .. 359 Rock Islsmd and bridge across che Mis- to settle with the Territory of Colorado sissippi river ... 75 for the services of its militia forces. ,. 371 to grant pecuniary and other uid to to prascnt. to Congress the final report of such road . . . . . . 76 commissioners upon claims of loyal pcr~ may assign officers to the charge of the sons for services of colored volunteers military acudcmy ... 92 or drafted men .. 876, 377 may admit certain persons to the Govern- may require freight for the United States ment Asylum for the Insane . 93 to be carried ovcr the railwa of the may fill vacnncics among the officcrs of Washington County Horse {Railroad the Frccdmerfs Bureau .. 174 Co. . . .. . .. 381 may issuc mcdical stores, supplies, &c. may purchase certain lots of ground ad— and o.fford aid to dcsticutc loyal rcfu— joining the Alleghany arsenal 395 gacs and frccdmcn ,. 174 to have the national cemeteries cucloscd vo extend military pmtcctiou and juris- with a stone or iron fence 399 diction to citizens . . . \77 to cause a p0rtcr’s lodge to be. erected an to dctcrminc how long- the Leavenworth the principal encmncc of each naxional City Railroad Company shall be al- cemetery, and to selects superintendent lowcd the privilege of right of way, &c. 212 from en isted men, disabled in the scrto examine, allow, and adjust the claims vice ... 400 of Ncbrnska Territory .. 307 to detail an officer of the army to inspect to make regulations in regard to applica- annually all national cemeteries .. 400 tions for bounties ... 323 to buy or take lands for national comcto sclcc: not ovcr mn judge-advocams series .. 400, 40K from those now in officc, to be retained 334 to refund to certain drahxd persons may appoint or enlist hospital stewards. . 335 amounts Enid by them. . . . ... 4\7 may dcmiloniczws and mcn from the but- to direct t 0 expenditure of appropriamlion of cnginccrs for the performance tions for the repair, Sm. of certain pubof signal duty .. 336 lic works .. 418 — 492 may detail commissioned officcrs and en- to cause examinations and surveys to bc listed mon to csmbiishcd schools at made of and for public works, and posts, gnrrisons, or permanent camps. . 336 make changes in plans, and apply balm determine how long the provostrmar- anccs .. 418, 421 shal·gcncral’s office and bureau shall to invite separate proposals and separate bc continued ... 337 contracts for each work, and for exch to have preparcd and report 1:0 Congress class of material or labor for each a oodc of regulations for che army and work .. 421, 422 the militia in actual service, and courts- to report to Congress the bids and the martini . . .. 338 names of the bidders . 42l , 422 to furnish transportation to discharged to directs geological and topographical soldiers to whom artificial limbs are exploration of the tcrdtorv between furnished by the government . 342 the Rocky Mountains and Uthe Sierra tpgranz the use of sho military reserve of Nevada Mountains, including sha route Saint: Clair river for a horse railroad crroutcs of the Pacific Railroad .. 457 from Port Huron city ... 848 ma increase the pny of the clerks at to dclivcr certain stores to the Nacional telic United Scams armory in Spring- Homc for S0ldicrs’ and Suil0rs’ Or- field .. 467 phans. . ... 851 duty oi in reference to agreement of to plnco certain vessels or hulks at the Bock Island and Pacific Railroad C0. disnosal of che commissioners of qua:- to [Yay, &c. half of cost of building mtmc . 351 a bri gc nt Rock Island . .. 485