Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/203

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 230, 233. 1868. 171 Sec. 4. And be it further ehacted, That the said corporation shall have full power to make and prescribe such by-laws, rules, and regulations as By-laws. they may deem needful and proper for the management of the stock, property, estzite, and effects of the corporation, not inconsistent with the laws in'force in the District of Columbia; to have and use a common seal, Seal. with the privilege of altering the same at pleasure ; to purchase, take, and hold, by deed or otherwise, any property, real, personal, or mixed, and Realestate, the sznne, or any part thereof, to dispose of at pleasure; and to execute &°· suchdeed or deeds or other conveyances as may be necessary therefor; to issue stock, and make all suitable and necessary regulations for the purchase, sale, and transfer of the same; to borrow money; to impose hue; upon the members, and collect the same as other suiall debts are collepled; tod expel members; to make provision for the admission of mein ers, an to provide for the election of such officers as may be deemed necessary for the proper management of the affairs of said corporation ; and generally to have and exercise all such other and further corporate powers as may be deemed necessary for the purpose of carry- ing out ef’fectu:illy the object and purposes of this act: Provided, That Proviso. the property of the said association, real, personal, and mixed, shall be held for the purposes, and none other, expressed in the first section of this act. . Sue. 5. And be it further enacted, That the members of said corpora- Memb_ei~s_¤ot tion shall have power to exercise in target-shooting at any time they may ;§r°’;'€“§‘S° lll deem proper, except on the Sabbath day, commonly called Sunday. Ongéufdiggmg Sno; 6. Anal be at further enacted, lfhat nothing in this act contained no banking shall give to said corporation any banking privileges. P“"*l°S°S· Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect from When act and after its passa¤e· and that the same mu be altered amended or mk°”m’°*¢m“Y repealed at the plessuie of Congress y i i b° u1m€d'&°’ A1-rnovno, July 23, 1868. CHAP. CCXXXIII.-An Act making Ap ropriutions and to sup lr DQ]€C7.8HCl·éS in J ] 25 1g6g_ the Appropriulions for the Service of the &)0uerzun¤¢nt_]%rif/zcjiscaZpfear ending June *·iQ,‘4"‘"" thiriiez/i, cig/uw: lzundred and sixtyeig/tt, Izndjbr other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate cmd Ilouse of Ziapresentatives of the United Siuics of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums, or Deficiencies so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appro- appropriation primed for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending g‘:fu%°§5 °;‘8‘l;‘§‘g June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, viz.-- ’ Legislative. —- For compensation of the clerks of committees, the addi- L€g;S;,,tM_ tional pay ordered by the resolution of the House of Representatives, Qicvks Ofcomtwenty-fil'rh May, eighteen hundred and sixty-eigl1t, five thousand nine "““°°s' hundred and thirty-two dollars. For pay of additional messengers of the Senate, for the month of June, Mem¤gm_ eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, two thousand two hundred and forty- five dollars and four cents. For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the Senate Additional for the Congressional Globe, for reporting the proceedings of the Senate f§I;’;lf(;;“;¥°;‘h;° for the second session of the fortieth Congress, eight hundred dollars each, Scum, and {our thousand dollars. Home- For the usual additional compensation to the reporters of the House for the Congressional Globe, for reporting the proceedings of the House for the second session of the fortieth Congress, eight hundred dollars each, four thousand eight hundred 'dollars. A sufficient sum is hereby appropriated to pay the official reporters of 0mm1m, the Globe in each house the amount which the comptroller of the treasury pprgrs of the may find severally due to them for services during the sessions of the *0 °‘ fortieth Congress, under the eighteenth section of "An act making appro- ]866, 6h_ gg4g_ priations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the your ending tial: xiv` pt 823-