Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/25

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. xxv STATUTE III. -—— 1868 — 69. _ . Paw Franklin .1 Jlloses. An act to relieve from disabilities Franklin J. Moses, a citizen of South Carolina. December 11, 1868, ch. 1 435 Gustavus G. Cushman. An act. to authorize the Secretary of State to adjust the claim of Gustavus G. Cushman for office rent while commissioner under tho reciprocity treaty. December 15, 1868, ch. 3 . .. . ... 1 . . .2 485 Removal of Disabilities. _An act to relieve certain persons of all political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth article of tho amendment to the Constitution of the United States. December 22, 18fi8, ch. 5 .. . . . 3 ... 435 Joseph Moorehoad. An act for the rcliof of Joseph Moorchoad. January 6, 1869, ch. 6 .. . . . 436 John G. Stokes. An act no relieve from disabilities John G. Stokes, a citizen of Alabama. January 8, 1869, ch. S . . . . . 436 Emma Wilson. An act for the relief of Mrs. Emma Wilson, of the Scam of Indiana. January 14, 1869, ch. 10 .. 436 W. T. Ooggasholl. An act to provide for tho removal of the remains of Hon. W. T. Coggeshall, laiolministcr of ·tho United States at Ecuador, to the United States. January 18, 1869, c . . . . 486 William H. Baglqy. An act no relieve William H. Bagley, of Wake County, North Carolina. January 18, 1869, ch. 12 .. . ... 487 R. W. Best and Samuel F. Phillips. An act: to reliovc from disabilities R. W. Best and Samuel F. Phillips, of North Carolina. January 22, 1869, ch. 14 ... . ... . . 437 Rtgfus M Hollister. An act for the relief of Rufus M. Hollister, of J anesvillc, Wisconsin. January 30, 1869, ch. 17 . ... . .. 437 Jonathan L. Pierce, Jr. An act confirming title to "Litt1o Rock Island," in the Mississippi River. January 30, 1869, ch. 18 .. 437 John L. Davis. An act for the relief of Commander John L. Davis. February 2, 1869, ch. 22. . 438 John H Osler. An act for the relief of John H. Osler,‘0f Guernsey County, Ohio. February 9, 1869, ch. 25 . 438 Pueblo of Santa. Ana. An act to confirm the title to certain land to the pueblo of Santa Ana, in the Territory of New Mexico. February 9, 1869, ch. 26 .. 438 Jane McMurmy. An act for the relief of Jane McMurray. February 16, 1869, ch. 27 . . 438 Mmyaret Whitt. An act granting a pension to the widow and child of Martin Whitt, deceased. February 16, 1869, ch. 28 .. , .. 439 Anne Dycher. An act granting a pension to Anne Dychar, widow of Matthew `D. Dychcr. Feb- - ruary 16, 1859, ch. 29 . 439 Elizabeih JZ Bhller. An uct; granting a pension to Elizabeth J. Miller, widow of General John Miller. February 16, 1869, ch. 30 . . 439 Daniel Hauser. An act granting a pension to Daniel Hauser, a citizen of North Carolina, and a soldier of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. February 19, 1869, ch. 39 .. , 439 William Grant Powers. An oct for tho relief of William Grant Powers. February 19, 1869, ch. 40 . .. 439 Saliy Phillips. An act for the relief of the estate of Isaac _PhiIlips, deceased, who was a private in the revolutionary war. February 19, 1869, ch. 41 .. 440 Not: and Company. An act for the relief of Nott and Company. February 22, 1869, ch. 44 440 Cornelia Wyil, and Cram St. Vrain. An act to amend an act entitled "An not to confirm certain private land claims in the territory of New Mexico." February 25, 1869, ch. 47 . 440 Walter D. Plowden. An act for tho relief of Walter D. Plowdeu. March 1, 1869, ch. 58 .. . 441 Goldman Bryson. An act providing for the payment of Captain Goldman Brys0n’s mounted company. March 1, 1869, ch. 59 .. 442 Moses E Shinn. An act to confirm an entry of land by Moses F. Shinn. March 1, 1869, ch. 60. 442 Charles Mains. An act granting a pension to Charles Mains, of Tennessee. March 1, 1869, ch. 61 442 Joseph M Hudson. An acl: granting a pension to Joseph M. Hudson. March 1, 1869, ch. 62 442 William AL Simpson. An act granting a pension to William M. Simpson. March 1, 1869, ch. 63 .i.. _ ... 442 Jllrs. Susan Carson. An not granting a pension to Mrs. Susan Carson. March 1, 1869, ch. 64. .. 443 Jlfrs. Naomi Adams. An not granting a pension to Mrs. Naomi Adams. March 1, 1869, ch. 65. . 443 Charlotte `Webster. An act; ggrantlng a pension to Cliarlotte Webster, widow of Timothy Webster, deceased. March 1, 1869, ch. 66 . . .. . ... . .. 443 Mary R. Brown. An act granting a pension to Mary B. Brown. March 1, 1869, ch. 67. . . . 443 W'ill1'am IL Johnson. An act no increase the pension of" William H. Johnson. March 1, 1869, 011.68 . . .U..444