Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/356

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324 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 127, 128. 1869. March 3, 1869- CHAIf. CXXVII.—An Act to authorize the Trans/'er<y‘ Lands granted to the Umm Paciic Ifailway Company, Eastern Division, between Denver and the Pcznt <y' its C0n~ neutron with the Union Pacific Rai/mad, to the Denver Pact/ic Ruilwrqy and Telegraph C'0mpan_y, and to expedite the Uunqxlelibn of Railroads to Denver, an the Territory of Colorado. Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives 0 th ' R Qéiigzpxgc States of Americgyzbz Congress assembled, 'Ciat the Union Pa£fic(;2gi2»if;; wm_Mtwi,h· (wgipnnyf) eastern) duénsion, bc, and it hereby is, authorized to contract Dotiverhteitic wi: the onver aci c Ruilvvuy and Telerrraph Com ·m a cor · t’ ‘ ,|_. _ _ _ · '_ _ F pt y pom ion {rmi cms3W_ existing under the-laws of the 1`err1t0ry ot Colorado, for thi: construction, mm, &(,, of in operation, and mmntenance of that part of its linc of railroad and wig-

 graph benvecn Denyer City and its point of connection with the Union

§)cm.m, Cm, Md Pacific railroad, which point shall be at Cheyenne, and to adopt tho mm]- Cheyenne, sw., bed already graded by said Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Compnnyhugsni<1.lin<—, and to grant to said Denver Pacific Railway and Telcgrap ompuny the perpetual use of its rirght of way and depot urounds mul to transfer to it all the rights and privileges, subject to ullthe oblij h gzmons pertaining to said part of its line. hq$l_`:*gllr§§$¤;g(lSec. 2. And be zt further enacted, That the said Union Pacific Railway mlugmph ,0, &c_ Lompany, eastern fil\‘ISl0g shall extend its railroad and telegraph to a so as m lbrm connection ut the city of cnvcr so as to form with that art of its l' itin sth i..- ·., ., ·p · mc gx):" lsagmclsy aucin authorized to be constnucted, operated, and maintained by the to qi,,,y,,,,m,_ Denver Iacinc Railway and Telegraph Company, 2. continuous line of rzulroud and telegraph from Kansas City, by way of Denver to Chcyl Luwstonppiy. cpnc. And all the provisions of law for the operation of the Union 1 neitic railroad, its brnnehcs and connections, as 21 continuous line, without discrirmmtticn, shall apply the same as if the road {rom Denver to Clie cnnc had been constructed b the said i n' · - _ Y _ I _ y n o acific Rzulnny Com mgpxnstrngcufof puny: eastern division; but nothing herein shull autliorizc the said enstvrn mm. not “m_°t_ division company to operate the road or tix the rates of tariff for the on Denver Pacino Railway and '1`elegraph Company. mc;l:g“‘;°:¤;£*l]·E_ Sno: 3. And be it jim!/wr enactect That said companies nrc hereby gugcmm. www autlliorized to niortguge their respective portions of said road, as herein donned, for un amount not exceeding thirty-two thousand dollars per m mmm mile, to enable them respeetirely to borrow money to construct the same; pimms for Mm- und that each of sand companies shall rcreive patents to the alternate svcmm, scum", 0; tions of land along their respective. lines of road, as heroin defined, in like lund; munucr und wulnn the same limits as is provided by law in the cose of but not el`- ?lldS.gI'8l1it?(1 to the Union Pacific Railway Company, eastern division: mlm to subsidy rovzdea', llmt neither of ·tho companies hcrembeibre mentioned shall bo E, 3,,,,0,; Smws entitled to subsidy in United States bonds under the provisions of this on s. illbi. Approved, March 3, 1809. Mm·ch3 1869. CHAP CYYVIII —An Act to 'I ' ~__,,.,;,____,_ _ ·_ g · _ - provuc rthe Execuho tl,D t .t CI 1b (J?lIH!|I$$lf;II$.f8·¥|laE¢1 the COMTIS [/L6 $[68 (Utd 1e7‘7'(·Z2I?;8 (ip [/1:9 Gilitlg g 1* or¢·ryn Acslioras, <mc]_]'br taking Depcdtions lo be used in such "ourts. B0 it czzrzolcd br 7 S ‘ ' _ _ ~ i _] he cnatc and House o Re rescntatwes 0 the United m£:;";;;‘mn&:fy States vg" Amorfca in Omzgress assep;1Ned,`f1"l1utpany party tojiiny suit de- Or ,v;{,,,,,,,c, in pendxnglin any court of any Stale or Territory of the United States, or

 ot any foreign nation, may obtain the testimony of any witness residing

°0m`mSs‘i0"S *0 ui, or t¢·mp0rnr1ly within, the District of Columbia, to be used in Such

 insanity sink. Wlieii n cmmmssion to luke such testimony shall have issued from

Wham. in court in wlnci such suit is pending, ora notice shall have been given alceotding to the rules ol practice prevailing in such court, on producing t eistune to u Justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, an on due lprool being- mode to such officer that the testimony of any b wmwsscs to witness residing m the District, or temporarily within it, is material to the qsummoncd. party desiring the same, such oillecr shall issuc a summons to such wit·