Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/516

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484 CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Fm:. 8, 1867. without causing the least extortion, tregarse 6. ninguna. exaccion, violenviolence, or ill treatment, for which cia 6 maltratamicnto, de lo que the commanders of the said armed seran responsables los comandantes ships shall be responsible with their de dichos buques de guerra con sus persons and property; for which personas é intereses. Para esto los purpose the commanders of all pri- comandantes de todos los buques vate armed vessels shall, before re- privados armados en guerra deberan ceiving their commissions, give suili- antes de recibir sus comisiones, dar cient security to answer for all dam- una garantia suficiente para responages they may commit; and it is der de todos los danos que puedan hereby agreed and understood that ocasionar; y se conviene y entienthe neutral party shall in no case be de, que la parte neutral, -no sera. en required togo on board the examin- ningun caso llamada a bordo del ing vessel for the purpose of exhibit- buque visitante ni para la presentaing his papers, or for any other pur- cion de sus documentos, ni para ninpose whatever. gun otro objeto. Anrrcnn XIX. Anrreuro 19. Rules tqnpply It is expressly agreed by the high Las altas partes contratantes con-

‘£n;°v‘;lQg,i’gu, contracting parties that the stipula- vienen espresamente en que las esccnvey. tions above mentioned, relative to tipulaciones arriba mencionadas rethe conduct to be observed on the sea lativas a. la oonducta que ha de obby the cruisers of the beiligerent servarse en el mar por los cruce~

party towards the ships of the neu- ros de la parte beiigerante con los tral party, shall be applicable only buques de la parte neutral, solatoships sailing without convoy, and meme se aplicaran a buques que when the said ships shall be con- naveguen sin convoi,y que cuando voyed, it being the intention of the dichos buques fueren convoyados, parties to observe all the regards queriendo las partes observar todos due to the protection of the flag los miramientos dcbidosala bandera displayed by public ships, it shall que despliegan los buques publicos not be lawful to visit them ; but the que los protcgen, no sera licito visiverbal declnration of the commander tarlos, sino que los respectivos cruof the convoy that the ships he con- ccros considerarsiu como enters1- voys belong to the nation whose flag mente suliciente la declaracion verhe carries, and that they have no bal que haga el comandante del concontraband goods on board, shall be voi de que los buques que convoya considered by the respective cruisers pertenecen a la nacion cuya bandera as fully sufficient: the two parties lleva él y que no ticnen a su bordo reeiprocally engaging not to admit géneros de contrabando; obligan— under the protection of their con- dose reciprocamente ambas partes a voys ships which shall have on no admitir bajo la proteccion de sus board contraband goods destined to convoyes, buques que tengan si su an enemy. bordo géneros de contrabando destinados a un enemigo. Aurora XX. Anrrcuro 20. Provisions in In all cases where vessels shall En todos los casos en que se ‘;r"3°Q§u‘m£f_"° be captured or detained, to be car- capturaren 6 detuvieren buques paried into port under pretence of ra conducirlos a un puerto con mocarrying to the enemy contraband tivo de que llevan genéros de congoods, the captor shall giveareceipt trabando, el captor dard de los for such of the papers of the vessel papeles del buque que retenga un as he shall retain, which receipt recibo que pondra. al pie de una coshall be annexed to a copy of the pia de ellos; y no seralicito romper said papers; and it shall be unlaw- ni abrir los cuarteles, areas, baules ful to break up or open the hatches, cubas, fardos, ni vasos hallados a