Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/521

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CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. FEB. S, 1867. 489 through the medium of their- re- su nombre, por el organo de sus respective diplomatic and consular spectivos agentes diplomaticos y agents, shall deliver up to justice consulares, entregaran a la justicia persons who, being charged with las personasaquienes imputandose the crimes enumerated in the fol- los crimenes enumerados en el artilowing article, committed within the culo siguiente, cometidos dentro de jurisdiction of the requiring party, lajurisdiccion dela parte requerente, shall seek asylum or shall be found buscaren asilo 6 fueren encontrados within the territories of the other: dentro de los territories de la otra; Provided, That this shall be done con tal que se haga esto solamente, Proviso. only when the fact of the commis- cuando el hecho de la comision del sion of the crime shall be so estab- crfmen este acreditado de modo que lished as to justify their apprehen- justiticase la aprehension y sometision and commitment for trial, if the miento a juicio de las personas acucrime had been committed in the sadas, si se husbiese cometido el country where the persons so ac- crimen en el pais donde se hallen, cused shall be found; in all of en todo lo cual los tribunales de which the tribunals of said country dicho pais procederan y decidiran shall proceed and decide according conforme a sus leyes. to their own laws. Anrrcnn XXVIII. Am·rcUL0 28. Persons shall be delivered up ac- Conforme a las disposiciones de Grimes for cording to the provisions of this esta convencion, seran entregadas ;’;1l§l;6s;;_§;fl°r convention, who shall be charged las personas a quienes se impute with any of the following crimes, to alguno de los crimenes siguientes, a wit: murder (including assassina- saber: Homicidio voluntario (intion, parricide, infanticide, and pois-- cluyendo el asesinato, el parricidio, oning) ; attempt to commit murder; el enfanticidio, y cl cnvenenamienrape; forgery; the counterfeiting to); conato de homicidio; fuerza of money ;· arson ; robbery with vio- hecha a muger; falsificacion; fabrilence, intimidation, or forcible entry cacion de moneda falsa; incendio; of an inhabited house; piracy;em· robo con violcncia, intimiclacion, 6 bezzlement by public officers, or by entrada violenta en una casa habipersons hired or salaried, to the det- tada; pirateria ; peculado 6 hurto riment of their employers, when cometido por personas alquiladaso these crimes are subject to infamous asalariadas en detrimento de los que punishment. las emplean, cuando cstos crimenes esten sujetos a castigo infamante. Anricmz XXIX. ARTICULO 29. . Ou the part of each country the Por parte de cada pais, la entre- Surremlsr surrender shall be made only by the ga sera hecha solamente de orden h°“’ *° be “‘“’l°‘ authority of the executive thereof. del ejecutivo. Los gastos de deten- The expenses of detention and de- cion y entrega hechos en virtud de EXp¢¤S<>¤· livery, effected in virtue of the pre- los articulos precedentes, correran a ceding articles, shall be at the cost cargo de la parte reclamante. of the party making the demand. Anrrcrn XXX. ARTICULO 30. The provisions of the aforegoing Las disposiciones de los articulos fmN°OiE¥;'§?d°* articles relating to the surrender of anteriores relatives a la entrega de 0KB5C8s_ fugitive criminals shall not apply to reos profugos, no se aplicaran é. deoffcnces committed before the date litos cometidos antes deesta. fecha, hereof, nor to those of a political ni alos de caracter politico. character.