Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/581

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TREATY WITH NICARAGUA. JUNE 21, 1867. 549 Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Nicaragua; Ooncluded June 21, 1867; Ratiied June 20, 1868; Proclaimed August 13, 1868. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; Juno 21.1867- A PROCLAMATION. WrmnEA a treaty of friendship, commerce. and navigation, between the Y¤'¤¤¤¤l>l¤· United States of America and the republic of Nicaragua, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Managua, on the twenty-first day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, which treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: —— TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, cou- TRATADO DE AMISTAD, c0MERcI0 MERGE, AND NAVIGATION, BE- Y NAVEGAOION ENTRE LA an- TWEEN THE UNITED STATES or rUnr.IcA DE N1cnRAGUA Y Los AMERICA AND rum REPUBLIC or ESTADOS UN1D0s DE NOBTE NIGAEAGUA. AMERICA. The United States of America La republica de Nicaragua y los 00¤¤r¤¤¢i¤s and the republic of Nicaragua de- Estados Unidos de America, desean- p°"i°°’ siring to maintain and to improve do conservar y mejorar la. buena in the good understanding and the teligencia yamigables relaciones que friendly relations which now hap- ahora felismente existen entre ellos, pily exist between them, to pro- promover el comercio de sus ciudamote the commerce of their citizens, danos y hacer algnnos arreglos reand to make some mutual arrange- ciprocos respecto de la comunicacion ment with respect to a communica- entre los oceanos Atlantica y Pacifition between the Atlantic and Pa- co por el Rio San Juan, y cada uno cific oceans, by the river San Juan, 6 ambos, los Lagos de Nicaragua 6 and either or both the lakes of Nic- de Managua, 6 por cualquiera otra aragna and Managua, or by any ruta a1 traves del territorio de Nicother route through the territories aragua; con tal objecto han conveof Nicaragua, have agreed for this nido en concluir un tratado-de amispurpose to conclude a treaty of tad, comercio y navegacion, y en friendship, commerce and naviga- consecuencia han nombrado como tion, and have accordingly named as sus respectivos plenipotenciarios, A their respective plenipotentiaries, saber: Su Exelencia el Presidente that is to say: the President of the de la republica de Nicaragua al United States, Andrew B. Dickin- Senor Licenciado Don Tomas Ayon, son, minister resident and extraor- ministro de relaciones esteriores, y dinary to Nicaragua, and his excel- el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, lency the President of the republic al Senor Andrew B. Dickinson, of Nicaragua, Seiior Licenciado Don ministro residente y estraordinario Tomas Ayon, minister of foreign en Nicaragua, quienes, despues de relations, who, after communicating haberse comunicado reciprocamente to each other their full powers, sus pienos poderes, encontrados en found in due and proper form, have propia y debida forma, han conveagreed upon the following articles: ido en los articulos siguientes: Amrcra I. Anrrcm.0 1. There shall be perpetual amity Habra amistad perpetua ontre la. _Pe¤ce_ann between the United States and their republica de Nicaragua y sus ciuda- “"°“d°h‘P·