Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/693

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TREATY WITH BAVARIA. MAY 26, 1868. 661 Treaty between the United States and the Eng of Bavaria concerning the Citizenship of Emigrants ; Uoncluded at Munich, Mcy 26, 1868; Ratified September 18, 1868; Proclaimed October 8, 1868. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: May 26,18es. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a treaty concerning the citizenship of emigrants between the Preamble. United States of America and his Majesty the King of Bavaria, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Munich, on the twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, which treaty, being in the English and German languages, is word for word as follows: -— His Majesty the King of Bavaria Seine Majestat der Konig von Contracting and the President of the United Bayern und der Prasident der l““`°‘°*‘ States of America, led by the wish Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, to regulate the citizenship of those von dem Wunsche geleitet, die persons who emigrate from Bavaria Staatsangehorigkeit dexjenigen Perto the United States of America, sonen zu regeln,welche aus Bayern and from the United States of in dieVereinigten Staatenvon Amer- America to the territory of the ika und aus den Vereinigten Staaten kingdom of Bavaria, have resolved von Amerika in das Gebiet des K6- to treat on this subject, and have, nigreiches Bayern einwaudern, hafor that purpose, appointed plenip0— ben heschlosscn iiber diesen Gegententiarics to conclude a convention; standzu unterhandelmund zu diesem that is to say: His Majesty the King Behufe Bevollmlichtigte ernannt, um of Bavaria, Dr. Otto, Baron of Voel- eine Uebereinkunft abzuschliessen, derndorti, Councillor of Ministry, namlich: Seine Majestiit der Konig and the President of the United von Bayern,Allerhochstihren Minis- States of America, George Ban- terialrath Dr. Otto, Freiherrn von croft, envoy extraordinary and min- Volderndorf}, und der Priisident der ister plenipotentiary, who have Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, agreed to and signed the following den ausserordentliehen Gesandten articles: und bevollmaehtigten Minister George Bancroft, welehe die folgenden Artikel vereinbart und unterzeichnet haben: Anrxemc I. Amzxmn I. Citizens of Bavaria, who have Angeborige des Konigreiches Gitigenser become, or shall become, naturalized Bayern, welehe naturalisirte Staats· £,“K:‘;‘;tdw£Q’£ citizens of the United States of angehbrige der Vereinigten Staaten zens of the Unit- America, and shall have resided von Amerika geworden sind und sd S*»¤*°*i uninterruptedly within the United Punf Jahre lang ununterbrochen in States for five years, shall be held den Vereinigten Staaten zugebracht by Bavaria to be American citizens, haben, sollen von Seite Bayerns als and shall be treated as such. amerikanisehe Angehorige erachtet, Reciprocally: Citizens of the und als solche behandelt werden.- _ d United States of America who have Ebenso eollen Staatsungehdrnge Stg€£‘°wYl:;:‘°w become, or shall become, naturalized der Vereinigten Staaten von Amen- bg mh citizens citizens of Bavaria, and shall have ka, welehe naturalisirte Angehorige of B¤V¤·1‘i¤~ resided uninterruptedly within Ba- des Konigreiches Bayern geworden varia nve years, shall be held by sind und fdnf Jahre lang ununterthe United States to be Bavarian brochen in Bayern zugebracht