Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/809

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INDEX. 777 Land Diwicl, (¢¤¤¤ip¤ed,) _ Lands, Public, (continued.) new one authorized lll Minnesota ... 184 not over three sections ot] in any one conscrneuonof limits of ... 1. .. 343 township, to be entered by agricultural new, established in Nebraska ... 224 college scrip . . 228 to be called “Grand Island " . . . 224 certain, granted to Wisconsin for railroad, bonndarnes, &c. . ._ 224 may be dis osed of for benefit of the reééséber and receiver, powers, pay, 224 Inlisgorgin qtnilroad Farm Mortgage

. . . an ompany. .., 238

location of land office. 224 grants of, to Michigan and Wisconsin, lands therein not reserved to be ex- not to be forfeited, &e. . . . 252 posed to sale . . .. 224 patent to issue to Chicago and Nortb· Land Office, _ _ _ western Railway Company, for eighty at Pontotoc, Mississippi, records, &c. of} acres of Fort Howard military reto be transferred to Jackson.. 101 serve .. . . . . 252 Land Offices, act concerning certain land claims of Cornppropriarions for registers and receivers nelio Vigil and Cram St. Vrnin, in New of . 116, 307 Mexico 275, 276 for incidental expenses of ... 116, 307 See New Jllexico. Landsmen, grant of, to Oregon, to nid in construction additional pay to, on board vessels of war, of military wagon road from Coos Buy when acting as firemen or coal-beavers 280 to Roseburg ... .340, 841 Lands, Public, act to confirm certain rivate land claims even numbered sections along the line in the Territory of New Mexico.. . 342 of the Pacific Railroad und branches, New York and Oswego Midland R. R. wherever definitely located, restored Co. to have right of way through, at to homestead pre-emption and settle- Fort Ontario ... 345 ment . . 39 Land Wan·ants, right of actual settlers on the late Sioux legal representatives of deceased claim· Indian reservation in Minnesota .. 39 ants of, may erfect claims filed prior inhabitants of towns located on, may en· to dccease of claimant ... 336 ter those occupied as town sites, at Lane, Elizabeth, minimum price, &c. if town authori- pension to ... 418 ties so elect to do ... 67 Lane, George W., patents may issue to those making en- credit to be allowed to, in settlement of tries under existing laws . ... 67 accounts, for monpy stolen ... 463 no title given by former act to any valid Lamy, First Lieutenant I . H., mining claim . .. 67 to be dropped from rolls, for absence witheosts of survey, &c. to be paid .. 67 out leave .. 263 time for completing sales of certain, Lastings, fic. granted to Michigan and Wisconsin, tariff provisions concerning . 24 extended ... . .. 67 Laws qwhe United Stores, _ _ uct giving effect to various grants of, to provisions respeeting the publication of, Nevada . . 67, 68 in newspapers in the District of Columthose taken at minimum price of $ 2.50 an blu and the several States ... y . 8 acre to equal two acres at u. minimum act in 1‘elut1011 to the promulgation of price at $ 1.25 per acre. 67, 68 the I . . 40 agricultural college lands, how selected.. 68 Secretary of State. to furmsh congreshoxv selected by California . 68 sional printer with copy of acts and land district created from parts of Neva- Joint resolutions . · . .. 40 da and California . . . 68 duty of congressional printer. .. . . 40 title of the United States to certain, in number of copies, and additional cop1es. 40 Burlington, Iowa, confirmed to the list of newspapers authorized to publish " Independent School District " .. 82 laws, to be furnished printer, who shall in Utah Territory, to constitute the Utah send toyprmter eopy ot public laws and land district ,.. .. 91 resolutions. . t . ... . . 40 surveyor-general, register, and re- Secretary of State to designate such laws ceiver, &c .. 91 as are of ax private character .. : . . . 40 homestead and pre-emption laws to letters to and from congressional printer 40 apply .. l ...,. . .. 9 2 · tobe free of p0swge.i expenses of collecting revenue from sales H6 provissops of (aspktolsapp y to rea ies u 40 of ... . pos u cp v i .. surveys ot} in the several States and Ter- repeal of inconsistent laws ... . . ritories . 116, 117 appropriations for publishing, &c. 97, 2 grant Of; to Minnesota, to aid to iimj Laws, Prwale, _ 40 prove the navigation of the Mississippi Secretary of State to designate . river .. 169 Lay, Johe D., 397 See Minnesota, pension to ... act to confirm title to certain, in the State League Island, _ d 302 of Nebraska . . .. 186 L sprlyley for site for proposed navy yar . .. title to certain in Omaha City confirmed. 186 ease 10 » _ _ , Grand Island,land district established in used by distiller under the mternal rev- 128 Nebraska .. 224 enue law to be appraise . .. .. lands therein, not reserved, to be ex- Lea, Seth, 400 posed to sale ... 224 pension to ...