Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/835

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INDEX. 803 P1-ze Cases, (continued.) Proposals for Supplies, mgigegsyith, &c. to be dnstrlbuted among 121 wlgzpdggge peen solitgtod, bidders to_ be interest of the United States relinquished 121 of bids,?.. .ll1l?.T. .p.:lc0 of Opening 246 what sum to be paid into treasury in each mav be present at. . i i l 246 case .. _. . . . . 121 Prosecution 4f Crime, . · l certain sums to be paid to the credit of appropriations for the . . 101 294 navy-pension fund .. 121 Prosecutions, ' United States not liable for Clapp’s defal- under certain internal revenue act, not cation . 121 to be com romised' , Prize Laws. See Captures. without, Gag . . .,. 60 vessels belonging to Admiral Farragut’s Protection, fleet, in May, 1862,to be entitled to the extended to officers and agents of the ' benefit of the ... 336 government in suits against them for Prize Money, acts done by them during the rebellion resolution in reference to the payment under color of their office or employ- &c. ofQ due to certain colored soldiers, ment ... 243, 244 sailors, and marines 26, 27 right of appeal to the Supreme Court of for colored soldiers and sailors, appx·opria— the United States . . ..243, 244 tions for ... 302 Protocol, Prize Steamers, to treat with Bavaria ... Q . 663 appraised value of certain, taken into na- Providence lgospiml, val service, to be deposited with the in Washington, D. C., appropriation for assistant treasurer of the United States 121 completion of the .. . 233 Proclamations, to be expended under the direction cappelling a. contract with one Bernard of the surgeon-general, who shall ock . _. .. . 697 report 10 on ress .. 233 correcting error in proclamation of Au- Pmviszbns, g gust 20, 1866 .. 701 transportation of, to the destitute of the appointing a day of national thanksgiving South . . ... 24 and praise. 701 issue of, to the suffering of the southern warning all persons against obstructing and southwestern States . 28 the execution of the constitution and Provisions and Clothing, laws, and enjoining obedience thereto appropriations for bureau o£ 71, 104, 105, upon all, and directing officers of the 279, 297 army and navy to assist the courts and Provost-MarshaL General, civil authorities .. , .. , .. 698 medical statistics of of¥ice of] how to be opening and extending full pardon to all _ compiled and published .. 66 persons engaged in the lute rebellion, Prussia, end restoration of rights, except to three treaty with, February 22, 1868. 615 excepted classes ,... 700 North Germans to e treated as Amerextending fu11 pardon to all except those ican cnuzens, when, &c ... 615 indicted for treason and felony 702, 703 Americans to be treated as North Gerdeclaring the fourteenth amendment of man citizens, when, Src. ..615, 616. the Constitution ratified by the 1egis1a.— the declaration of intent not to have ture of the State of the effect of naturalization . : . 616 Alabama ... . . 705 naturalized citizens of either country lm- Georgia . 708 ble on return to their original country Louisiana . . . . ... . 705 for offences committed before emigration 616 North Carolina ... 703 former convention for extradition of fugi- South Carolina .. . 704 tives from justice extemled. Z . 616 declaring that the fourteenth amendment Germansnaturalized in America and rehas been adopted. .. 710 newing their residence 111 North Gerdeclaring the tourteenth amendment of many, without the Intent, held to the Constitution has been adopted, if, 7 7 pendugcest tpexr &;1~atural1zation m the 616 &c . ... 0 m e a e , _ . V., . z .. recommending a day for public thanks- so with American citizens in Gergiving .. , ... .. . 711 many..`.., . . .. . 616 granting full pardon and amnesty to all when the intent not zorcturn may be 7 P who participated in the rebellion . . 712 h H ubid giving?) 61 romotions, W 9 I C _ · none, in certain departments of the army _ how long to continue .,... . . . 617 wld infantry regiments, until, &e. . 318 Publzcatzon ¢y"the Laws, _ _ _ Promulqatlwt treaties and executive proclamations ·1Il Ofirhe laws, &e. of the United States, not newspapers m thepxstrict of Columbia, in relation to the . .. 40 prov1sxonsrespe<:ting 8 Pmofo Debts in the ten rebellious States , .,. 8 ` f ’ · H 1 the newsiu b·1I1l¤‘uptcy, commissanes may take clerk of the ouse t0_ so eothl &c subject, &c .. . . . 228 papers in each_State m vvuo laws, . 8 proof Spiyih are to be published . c . under internal revenue act,to be what. . . 125 Secre;g.ryto;'nState to furms copres for 8 · · u ie i . ,.. PMpn'dil1eQr?g<i%tiirgfi0?or city officers in Wash- in llaouisianaélaxvs and treaties to be pub- 8 iugton, D. C. .. 62 lished mt ree papexs . . ..