Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1176

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1;.42 INDEX. ,4,,,;, Appeals, (continued.) I • _ mma or, by the President, ssc. sobs dispnts exceeds twentydvo hun 184 ' 'bln for any claimant in tl: court drod 184 'his stan i in 1 s ...

 . .   235 from Ennlrjudfments of consular courts

not to be considered by tho court or of Clunu or_ span to the m1mstsr,whero appellate court . . 235 matter m drsputs exceeds, &c . 184 cues in court of clsimsngnsihich jngg- mg minister to circuit court of 184 ments have been re e ororor nuomo..._ . . proof of loyalty on appeal to be dis- in murtcrs pending in potent oiHco, from 5 missed by supreme court for wmt of 2 5 dccissoailofprgmzgéxamxncr . gg; 'urisdiction . ... 3 oxo mc. n ... . . mil acccpranco thereof, without disclaim- commissioner . . .. 205 or, Sw. by persons bringing certain practice in_cuscs of, to the supreme court mits in rho coun of claims to be con- of tho 1)1srr1ct of Qolumbra .. 205 olusivc cvidsnco of formsr disloyultyy. 285 in the hearing of, by the court., 205 on proof of such, and ncccpmnco, guns- to the Supreme Court of the Ummd bratcs A dicriou of the court to csuso .. 235 f mipurent cases . gg; , occ , ccs r . . ... . paymentfg, for lumber . . .. 688 and wrixs of error no the Supreme Court Andrews, Melissa, of the United Smcs in cases of copy- pension to ... .. ... 685 rights ... . ... . .. 215 Angus, Brhlgd, from decision of commissioner of patents mptplnsizp to . .. 699 tg xl; judges fof suyprcmc clourt of An` 1, 've, t o istrict o um in, not ing to curtain, for uso of Zoiil 'cnl Gurdon in be paid to the judges for hearing . 244 gVsshington, to be Zglmitted froc of 7 in iptcrnnl revenue matters, from decision 9 ut . . 15 o assistant assessors ro assessors . 25 association for tho prevention of cruelty from assessors to commissioner . 259 to, incorporated . ... 158 gxgcccdings in cascs of appeals . 259 cuamms duty npcln ... .. 265 Apples. `l Bran y.;! H fb d { w st unimas un mms 0, ma. a - s is taxn on isti srso ran rom 42 An mittoc1fr¤o .. .. 2 65 jbr Ifalcms, y noying ar n 'uri: , rovisions conccrnin ... . .201- 203 letters nent fo? the purpose oh obsolete Fo bocomplctod within what time ... 202 provisions respecting, in postal convcn- when to be dcomcd abandoned . 203 tions with Great Britain .. 79l, 841 for oxrcnsion of patent 208 existing provisions respecting, in postal fccs for .. 209 conventions with Great Britain ... 859 Apportiomumt, Annuities, new, of increased circulation to banking to Indians, no part of money appropriated nssociazions, to be made upon the basis for, to ba cxpondod l'or_•ny other articles of me census of 1871 252 than such aa, 8:4: . .. 84 of legislative assembly of Colorado Terriappmprimon for delivery ot, to Indians tory, wovisions concerning .. 429 in Michigan and Miancsotu ... 858, 568 of yoming Territory . 429, 430 no tax upon, under treaties . 860 Appraisers (Cuslcms), to bs oxpondcd to promote the comfiirr, to be appointed at tho ports, to which tho civilization, lu:. of the tribes entitled privileges of rho act respecting the cnthereto . . . . . . .. 360 try, &c. of merchandise for immediate of Klamath, &c. tribes, granted by trosty, mms mation, are extended . 271 not liable for tho debts of the Indians.. 709 Appraisers' gowns Soo Snake Indiana. in Pliilndclphin, appropriation for confor the Cgippsisas ofubhg Mississippi. gp structijon, &ch of .. .. ...85, 295, 516 art to ni vo is mods or mix - to o use as bonded warcbous Eloodspxcgc t,&c . .. 720 also 9 516 to Holcimtho-rlny. sud his heirs. . . ... . . 720 Apprentices, Antfclam National Cemetery, certain boys, committed to thu reform Secretary of Wnr no take charge of .. 890 school oi rho District of Columbia, may Apaches, be hound as .. . 121 appropriations for tho. . ,. . . 14, 545, 546 Appropriations, Appeals, _ [ ordctuils of the appropriations for rhs from the assessment, by a jury, of d•m· nrmy, civil cxpcnscs, consular and di ages for taking land, Svc. by the Bald- lomatic cxpcnses, dciicicncics, ford; morc,&c.·Railrund Company, in Wash- canions, Indian depnrrmcm, lcgislnrivo, iagton, D. C , provisions concerning. .. 2 Soc., navy, pensions, and post-offico hom probam court of Colorado to dis- departmcnr, see rhosc riclcs.] trict and supreme courts ... 96, 279 npproprimion for compensation for prefrom thogudcments of thsypolicc court pnringliszs ofZ . . .. . . . . 9 of the _ nstrlct of Columbia, provislcns umier act to carry into cH`0ct the oonvcn. concerning . :. .. 1. ._ . .l54, 155 tum with Mexico for tho adjustment of from Baal Judgments m cnmmnl cases, claims ... . . 7 8 · or minister to Qhina or J?¤|1, may be relating to frccdmcn's hospimls 8, 0 'hoc. to_tho circuit court of allfornia._.. 184 deficiencies for tho your ending Juno 30 m cml cases, when the mum xn 1869 . . . .. 9