Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1181

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INDEX- 1],47 Assistant Marshals (continued.) A“mg,_Gmml mm payaof, for tztklng the ninth census may my,,¤nd’,$§;H mpc,:!,,, wm,. thm the increased . .. 514 amount of compensation 46 _ l ibm; not to exceed, &c .. 514 to report at each session of Congress Assistant li essengere, names, business, and compensation. . . 46 _pay of, estabhshed ... . . . . . 250 duties on under the resolution to protect Asszelunt'Naval Lonatructors, the interests of the United States in p;};ko;‘:n§stlpI;ln:1;ed me Unignclkcifio and Central Pacific _ .. . ’lr i s ... Amston: Paymastcrs, Navy, dutyaoffsupegddggdv suits that may lis, 57 number, renlg, audgy QL -·... 331, 334, 536 brought in the couft of claims to test Asszslunt ceqretarnes tf gqlum, the title to any part of the Hot ’Springs _appr0prnmon for salaries of ... . 219,417 reservation in Arkansas, and in any Asststanzs Seerezary iq` btate, appeals to the Supreme Court 149, 150 epproprtatrons or pav. &c. o£ .. 480, 511 not to allow the attorney of the United Asstsmnts bolzcztor { the Treasury, _ States for the District of Columbia for transferred to the Department of Justice. 162 any rmanent assistant ordeputy,nor AS. la It SSee bolrxtor of the Treasury. for fiire, otnce expenses, and other is 1 urgeons,_ avg, inci ents expenses. ... . 156 pay of, established . ... 331 to be the head of the Department ot" number, rank, and pag of ..,... 535, 536 Justice . . .. 162 Assistant Treasurer of the aired States, duties of; and powers under the act to authorized at Baltimore 151, 152 establish the Department of Jusropms, vaults, and safes to be provided tice .. 162-165 or I- ... . ... 152 See Department d Justice. salary and duties . 152 solicitor-general to act as, in case of clerks, messengers, &c .. , . . 152 absence, disability, or vacancy ... 162 spproprrauons. . _ t . 152 may appoint and remove certain cdicers Assistant reasyrers of the United btates, in the Department of Justice 168 appropriations for offices of 239, 2-10, 483, stenographic clirk allowed tc;. . .. 163 484 ma a int t ree addition c crks f for deputies, clerks, &c. of .. 239, 240 me fldldorth class .. . Y 168 corlpcpensationl of depiutgt ait New York to annual report of, to include what ... 164 three thousand ol are a year and to exercise supervisory powers over acno more .. . 239 counts of district attorneys, marshals, law limiting amount for salaries of clerks, clerks, and other officers of United

 in office at Boston, to 6 20,000, re- States courts .. 164

pea ed ... . 239 and over conduct and roeeedin of appropriations for offices of 240 district attorneys. . ... . . 164 special agents to examine books, &.c. to cause to be printed, from time to time, of 240 editions of certain opinions of law As;}>ca`aet¢; éfusticesqf the Supreme Court of the otlirers . . .. . .. 165 nit hues to supervise the expenditure of the apsalary ot, established from July l, 1871. 494 propriation for expenses of defending to be payable qusrterlv ... 495 claims under the convention with Asmation for the Prevention of 0'ruelty to Ani- liltlexico . . . . 221 to irect theexpen itnrco appropriations act to incorporate, in the District of Co- ger eiicpepjses og pérosecuting, &c. claims lumbia . ... 158 ue: e nite tutes ... 306 objects of corporation . . ... 158 for defence of suits in the court of officers, by·laws, &.c. .. 158 claims against the Secretary of the provision for the arrest of offending par- Tremw &c. for seizure of capties ... 158 ture , roperty . 306 Astoria, Oregon, appropriation for legal assistance to the. 308 vessels arriving at, from sea, with mer- to prescribe rules for the government of chllmdisc for, and for Portland, to do terrirpriel pe‘nitennar1es.._ . . 398 w at . ‘ 151 an or 1 e compensation o martk aprmopriations for custom-house at. . 294, 509 goals for services undersuch rules, 398 A ins, . earum, · . . _. . ... _. . . :. commisdoner of patents may entertain to furpish proper professional service tn petition oi, for extension of let,ters-pat- salon; testimony to be uscd before the M2 ent ... 584, 659 e artments ... Atkinson.- Geoqqe S., to adlise with the Secretarv of Weir as to credit to he allowed, in settlement of his the compromise of smts By She ¤jovcrn— c · ... . . . 664 ment atrmnst cer am rm ron cor- Athmtica gdlzlgts poration; in Tcnnessce . ; .. . . 473 appropriation for survey of 303 with the Qeeretary of the navy ns to Atoc/za, Alexander L, proceedings to recover lull damamay use certain cvidenco in the prosecu- gcs fear the loss of the sl00p 01`\f¤1‘ 588 tion of his claim . ... 633 ne1 a. I A. 2 . t .. the government may do the same ... 633 to direct the expenditure of appropriation effect of such testimony ... 683 for tleiiuying the expenses ot detenti- Attomey·Ge»eml, m claims under the convention with may employ counsel to aid district attor- Mgxnco. -... .. - 495