Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1188

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1154 INDEX. Bm?} rl, Conn., British Columbia , Seoynfilennnetl ordnance granted for noldiers’ and Vancouver s Island, postal convenmonuuieut nt. . 391 tion with the provinces ot, of June 9 and no expense to government for trans- July 25, 1870 t 1115 -1117 portation .. 391 exchange of mails and offices of exclmnge.1115 Bridges through mails . b ... l 115 over the Ohio river, from Paducah, Ky., weight of single letters and rates ot postage 1115 assent of Congress given to the emotion letters insuihvieutly paid. .. 1115 Of 53 D0 accounts to be ·cpt between the two how to be built .. 53 departments: ... 2. .· . lll? nsscntof Congress may bu withdrawn 53 each to collect and retain its own.. ..111:; across the Ohio river, engineers to ex- p0¤tag0 on newspapers and other printed amino ull. and report if navigation is matter . . . . ... t ... lilo obstructed rlncrchy, &c ,. . 227 post bill to accompany each maui . . . .11lo if obstrui-ting, to report remedy, &c. 227 prepaid letters, how to he stampcd.1115, 1116 over the Ohio river. from Cincinnati to cud letters to be returned. . . . 1116 Newport, provisions concerning .. 573 printed matter to be retained ... 1 I I6 See N<·u·por¢, gn. Bnziqe Company. registered letters. . 4 1116 may be erected ru-ross the Willamette to be prepaid with registrzmon fee. .1116 river, Oregon . . . ... 64 n-gistrauou not compulsory und no across the l>¤1nwuro river. between liability for loss . _ 1 116 Pliiliulelpliia uml Camden .. S1, 8:2 registered lem-rs mailed in the iuterioniof dcvlurud in post-rnuic . 168 either country .,. . .. 1116 construction und nminn·mu1ce of, ncross scparnm letter-bills for registered letters..1116 the Niagara river from Buliiilo to duty of postmaster of rerciving office as Canada, uuthurizcwl . IT3 to registered letters .. l 116 all railway compnnies entitled to equal registered letters destined for nn inland use of ... . .. . .. 173 post-0{lice .. . ... 1116 may be built across the Ark nnsus river, registration fees and how accounted for. .1116 near Little Rock ... 185 detailed regulations . . 1116, 1117 question o1` obstruction to river by, British North }imericun Provinces, _ muy be tried in ll-chu-al courts 185 inquiry to be made relative to trade with 381 if built ns a zlrmvliridgo, how to be suitable person to be appointed cousrruvted. ... 185 thors-for . ... 381 i to be a luwlinl structure and post.- appropriation thcrcfor. 308 road , . 185 Broadnox, Jim, right of wny lor posml tulegrnpli pn.) mvntto, forscrviecs 680 across . ... 185 Bronsc Cofnaga across the Missouri river, ucar Sr. Joseph, may be rcdecmcd . 580 l Mo , uuthorizvtl . 275 Brooklyn, by whom to he built ... . .. 275 nppropriutions for navy-ynrd ut..323, 326,_508, i mmlc n posrroute . . . . . 275 526 —- 533 if constructed an udruwbridge, how Brooks, /if/`rrrl E., l to be lmilr . 275 credit to he allowed, in settlement of his ` across the Big Wabash river nr, &c. may accounts ... 675 l be built ... 388 Bmome, John JI., 1 to be n lnwful structure uml post-rond 388 pav und nllownnces to, and others of the * over the Missis—ippi river, authorized ut lmud of the Twelfth Kentucky In- Louisinun, Missouri . 474 famry . . . . . . ... 667 * the Missouri river at Glasgow, Mis- Brown, Do/hy, 1 muri. ... . . 474 pension to . .. 644 to he li-gn! structures und posnroarls 474 Brown, John B., u all railway companies to have equal payment to, for work on the Louisville 1 rights to unc. ,..., . 474 canal .. 503 nt Rock Island, up roprintion for. .. 505 limit to amount ... 503 i across the Wubusli river, muy be built Brown, Orlando, i ay the Cliit-nee und Illinois Southern accounts ot] to be settled ... 604 uilroud Company . 599 Bruce, John P., to be a 1uurl`ul structure and u. post- payment to, for printing for Montana road .,... . .. . .. 599 legislature . 313 location, construction, &c . . .599, 600 Buchanan, (hrplain E. III., Bréhyea and Roads, account of, to be settledr . . . 647 s in the Dist:-i¢·t of Columbia, uppropriw Buck, James A., tions may be mndc for ,. 424. pension to ... .684 685 5 Bridges' Baltrry Association, Burksport, I at Chicago, captured ordnnncetobo given Maine, condemned ordnance to be de- to . ... 369 li vered for soldiers’ monument ut . 389 Bridqrs, Naw]- Yard and Upper, Bafulo, I _ appropriations for the . 300, 503 city of, may construct tunnel under Black Bregadur-General, Rock harbor and Niagara river ... 90 no appointment to grade of until, &c.. . . 3I8 may erect and maintain inlet pier... 91 pay of, established. . . . . . . . . · · · 320 p1‘0Vi¤l0nS of uct, allowing entry ofgoods l Briggs, Benjamin,for immediate transportation, extended I payment to, for services. .. 680 to the port o£ .. . ... 27l _