Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1205

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INDEX. 1171 Consul of the United Stale?. Cooper, Surgeon George E., at Panama,_to be mail agent ... 1119 may acvept a gift from the French govlns duties ... . 1119 ernment ... 669 Consul; aprl Consular Ojlcerg, _ Copper (bins, proinsions respecting, in the convention Secretary of the Treasury to redeem in with Belgium .. 757 -763 lawful money, in sums of not less than Consul.; General and Consizls, twentv dollars ,_,,_ 5éO appropriations for salaries of 219, 220, 417, 418 such coinage may be appropriation for pay ot] at Hiogo and &c ... . 580 Osaea. . 51 7 Copyrmhts, Cvmsuls of C/tina, _ to be under control of librarian of Conin ports of the United States, treaty pro- gross, and kept in library of Congress. 212 vmons concerning .. 740 annual report upon .. . 212 Conan/s of Foreign Governments, subject matters o£ .. . . . . 212 exempt from income mx, if; &c. 260 granted for what term ... . . . 212 Contingent Expenses, _ _ when and how continued for further no part of any appropriatwn for, to be term ... 212, 213 paid for clerical servic.s . 250 copy of record to be published withall such ptymenrs to be rejected as in two months of renewal . 213 illegal . 250 assignments of ... 213 Contracts, to be void as against, &c. if not rcliabilities under certain, made prior to corded within, &c ..,.. .. 213 March 4, 1869, Secretary ofNiwy may no person entitled to, unless, &e 213 discharge, &c. . . 325 printed <·0pv of title, &¢· ... 213 with Indian tribes or individual Indians, copies of copvright book. &c ... 213 not to be made unless in writing; and up- record by libmrinn of Congress. 213 proved by the commissioner of Indian copy under his seal to pronrietor. . .. 213 alfiiirs and Secretary of Interior ... 570 fees for recording title. .. . 213 those otherwise made to be void 570 for onpy under seal . .. 213 persons innking, may be prose- for recording assignment .. 213 cuteel for misdemeanor. . . ;. . 570 two copies of best crlitim to be sent to duty ofdisrriet-attorneystopros— lii·rm-inn of Congress, and zi copv of ecute .. ; ... 510, 571 each subsequent edition . l... 213 Indian ggents making, to be dis- 57 pepaltylin default ofdrposit and how colmisse . 1 ectec ..,.. *213 no payment under, l0 he made ro contrac- to be MPC of postage. . 213 tors hcyo nd, &c. until the accounts and postmaster to give reccip·s lbr copyrights vouchers are submitted to the board of and forward without co<t 214 commissioners .. . .. 568 actions {br infringcmen ts, not to be main- C0ntribem`ous, tained, unless, &c ... 214 for gifts or presents, not to be solicited pcnal·y for inscribing, &»c. notice of oopy- for, nor received by, United States 0Hi- iight in hook, &<·. not ('0p)`l`igil{C(i 214- cials or clerical superiors 63 how distrilmteds .. . . . . 214- Cimvmtion wh}: Mexico. Sec 1i[e.z·ico. damages for violaiion of for the adjustment of claims, wct to carry books . . . 214 into effect the ... . .. 7, 8 maps, charts, prints, &i- . . .. 214 appropriation for expenses of detbnding dramatic compositions . .. . . 214 claims under . .. 221 for printing or publishing any mnnuto be expended under the direction script without consent of author, of the Att0rney·General . 221 &<·. ... 215 Convicts, priming, sale, &c. of books, &c. made by appropriations for rent of prisons for aliens or non-residents, not prohib- American, in Japan, China, Siam, and iterl ...,. 215 Turkev 220, 418 actions under copyri,r;li;; laws to be comfor Ganges of keepers of prisons for. . 220 menccd in two years . . .. 215 for the support and maintenance of defences thereto .. 215 th0=e transferred from the District cirrnit and district courts of the of Columbia. .. 498 United States to have jurisdicv Conwe//, Francis A., tion.., 215 payment to, for military services . .. . 653 U equity powers 215 Cooke, Jaw, writs of error and appeals . 215 appointed manager of National Asylum full costs to he allowed .. ..: ... 215 hr Disnblerl Volunteer Soldiers .. 880 all duties pertaining: jo copyrights rc· Caoh'dg», Jhujq A., qmrcd by law to be dnsn·hnrge¢] by libra- ·new bonds to be issued to, in lieu of those rian of Congress 1 . .. 212, 215 lost, if, &c . . ... 642 books, maps, &c. deposited with, and now Coombs, Olive, in ofliecs ot', clerks of district courts, to pension to . ... .. . 693 be sent to librarian of Congress., . 215 Corman, Jo/an, duplicate gopnes, how distributed. . . 215 pension of, increased .. 639 Corcoran Crallery of Art, Cooper Charles, art to incorporate the trustees of the . 139 surety of William and John Hannegan, Corless Cream-longuue Company, _ to be released from liability on his claim of] SerrctaryofNary,beforepayin;r, bond, &c . . . . . . . 700 shall cause ure»exa.m1nution of 325, 326