Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1212

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1178 INDEX. DQ/Z`Cl9¤C_y Appro r[at[0n, (continued.) Defdtilql APP7`°P7';a’?‘m¤ icnntinucdl I John S- Vfillard & Co., furniture for loyal citizens u¢:t11'1g¤SUI111K’A] slums mm" 314 treasury building .,,..,, , ,,,,,,, 90 ghals and nssmants. .. . ...·..-··-·- SM Nuvy D€p¤·1`fl11011t, fuel for marine corps, 90 Wzlrc hurl}]|nyscaé1SSfi{;;;rS -·-··-· · · - · 3M wntingencies ...,.. . ,,,,,... 90 i son e cc r1 _ · _ _ ·: · ······· ' MVR! academy, uddirional qnqyggyg for elccgicnén Vlgoiniingi Illcrmor y .--·· midshi men ... . ... . 90 assay 0 oe, ew o·- .. Z . House 01!iW8p1'8<011¤\t1Vcs, expenses of in- supsrintcrident of bu1ld\11g <?€€UP1(`d by 314 vestignting committees. . . 90 eparnnent of the lnteiioi . . fo|' y¢|ll'S ending June 80, 1870, pay ot employees xn agr1¢·u1tu1‘a cpar 314 and June 30. 1871 .. 3l1—315 ment.` ... : . : D’~¥P411'¢1\'1BY1t of Justice . . . . . . . . , , . , 311 acting examiners and asn15h1H1S 111 PB 6D 314 office of Attorney-General. ... . , . . , 311 olhce t . ‘ . .·.·· 314 salaries of assistants, solicitors &c.. 3ll pay no to exccet , · ... . . I k of Stenographic clerk. ’ . 311 primgry schools v(;]1.1£i;(,1(Z`0f Washington 314 c er s nn contingent expenses . 311 an zooiye ox , . , ,... '. . . . . .. . . commissioners to revise the statutes of to he expended under whose direc- {118 United States.. . . . . .· 311 Wl tn?. .1. . . ... 1. . Wur Depnruncnt . 311 i liam is ier or supp ies .. 2 . oliice of c1iici'ofoi·dnan<·e. . 311 W. J. IIu5=n·d,,fbr stmue of Washington 315 Treasury Department. . 311, 312 credit to be allowed N. Fenton: .. 815 Oihvo of comptroller of currency paymerirt toddgsitmrnit1:·>n:1q::;l;S0fO;1Tj!g¤;:; ventilzmon .., in·*· repairs and furnirure . . 311 select committee on ordnance . . ._ . 315 work, unless for ordinary repairs, not paylments _ to vV1li}Cl11.01'('(? and Lincoln to be done on treasury building, inversmes, 1`romfundm bureau of ref- 315 except, &c . 311 ugces, · . . . . .: fuel, &c. lor public buildings under I`0|' the years Plldlllg Jnne 30, the control of thu. ... 312 1870 and June 30, 1871, and lor for- . cust0m·h0use at Ogdensburg ... 312 S mer . . ._ . _ 515- at Charleston 312 enate, au itiona assistant engineer D0 further sum than, &c. to be H heating and ventiluting apparatus". u ro rintcd, &¢·. for entire ousc 0 icpresentatives .. .> cgrlhphirion of building .. 312 doorkecper and superintendents of purchase 01 land in Springfield, Ill. 312 document and folding rooms . 515 House of Representatives ... . . '. 312 addixinnul compensation to reporters pay of ofiieers, clerks, &c. . 312 for Congressional Globe . 515 specinl nnnnnl npproprim ions for cer- tally clerk. ..: ... _. .. . 51:1 tain clerks, the librarian und assist- Rrvva and Bagley publishing debates 5 5 ant .. . 312 an procee ings .. . . 1 folding documents, laborers 312 public buildings under the '1`reusury Decomminec on education and labor. . SI2 partment, . .. Z .. 515 on ninth census .. 312 po;r-ofiice and court-house in New Dr. Edward Jarvis.. . . 312 U1 k . . . ... 515 ofiii-ini reporters of the Globe .. 312 posnornce and sub·trea,·ury in Boslighting and ventilation. ... S12 ton . ... 515, 516 Senate .. 313 land, and legal proceedings 516 miscellaneous, clerks, pages, &c 313 court-house at Madison . . . . 516 expenses of the committee on retrench- Purtlnnd, Maine., 516 ment in investigating contracts of the appraisers' stores in Philarielphia. . . 516 Navy Deparnnentfor steam machinery. 313 to be used also as bonded ware— appropriation for lithogruphnng for patent house _ .. _ ... . . . . 516 office tmnsferreml ... 313 cugom-house building in Sandusky, miscellaneous ... . 313-315 ... . . . . .. . . . . 516 award 10 Esteban G. Montano. .. . . 313 repairs and preservation of . 516 legislative expenses in furniture-, and repairs of, carpets, &u. 516 Arizona . 313 Treasury Deparrment, watchmen und Colorado . . .. 313 laborers.. . .. 516 Dakota .. . ... 3|3 supervising and local inspectors of Idaho ... 313 stenm vessels, ,.. . . 516 Montana . ... 3I3 stamps for internal-rcven’ue office. . . 516 New Mexico . 313 workmen und acljnsters in branch Washington . . . . . . 313 mint of Sun Frmieisco .. 516 Wyoming . ... 313 electric telegraph between the Atcustom-house an Detroit ... .. .. 313 lnntic and Pacific Stntcs . 516 sunnnonimr jurors in South Carolina. . 313 F. E. Spinner, to reimburse for sum use of bui1din¤- by department of e u- puid to cover a deficit ... 516 cation. . . . 314- two assistants in office of librarian of sick and disabled seamen .. 314 Congress . . . 516 penitentiary buildings in Wyoming Ter- appointment of, authorized 516 ritory . , ... 314 revision of the United States Scatto be sez apart from proceeds of col- utes, clerical expenses of commislociions of internal-revenue tax in. 314 sion .. . .. . . 516 ninth census . 314 reports of foreign claims commissions 516