Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1290

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1256 INDEX. Navy, (continued.) Navy, icontinued.) · ._ ot' provisions and clothing . .326, 532 number of passed assistant paymasters, of medicine and surgery ... 327, 532 and assistant paymasters established.. 334 naval academy 828, 533 students in naval academy to be called - watehmen, mechanics, and laborers. 328 cadet midshipmen .. . 334 534 how to be selected and appointed 334 ; public buildings ... 329, 534 when to receive appointments as mid— eating and lighting .. . 329, 534 shipmen. . . . .. . 334 __ board of visitors, &c. . . 329 how promoted, &c. ... 334 j marine corps, pay, &c. of ... 329, 534 acts authorizing temporary acting officers . repeal of law establishing pay of purser except, &e repealed . 334 ~ on duty in California ... 330 summary courts martial upon petty oth- pay of officcrs, &c. of the navy on the cere, &c ... 334 ’ active list established .. 830-=332 accounts of disbursing officers of the admiral . 330 navy, how to be rendered 334 vice-admiral . 330 pay ot chiefs of bureaus in Navy Depart- V rcutadtttirals ... . 330 mont., . . .. 334 ~ commodores . 330 expenses of naval officers for medicines · captains . 330 and medical attendance not to healcommanders . . 330 lowed, unless, &c ... 334 lieutenunncommanders ... . 330 funeral expenses . . 334 gg lieutenants ... 330 superintendent of naval observatory may masters .. 330 contract for refrncting telescope ... 334 , midshipmen . . 330 to be of largest size und of American mates . . .. 330 manufacture . .. 334 iieet surgeon, paymastcrs, and en- appropriation therefor in part .. 334 gineers . 330, 331 eH`ect of vote ol' the thanks of Congress i. surgeons, paymasters, and chief en- upon promotion in the ... 384 ‘ gineers . 330, 331 Hosting n·on dock for repairof naval vespmsedussistantsurgeons,paytnusters, sels, may be built by contract. 534- and assistant engineers .. 331 contract made only to lowest responsible assistant surgeons, paymasters, and bidder . 534 l second assistant engineers .. . 331 after advertisement, &t· 534 . ‘ naval constructors, and assistants. .. 331 cost not to exceed 8 1,000,000 .. 535 , chaplains .. . .. 331 if board think best, plans and specifics- professors of mathematics and civil tions may be invited from outside engineers ,. . . .. 331 builders, engineers, &c .. 535· boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and all to be referred to a board 535 saihmttkers . ... 332 if contract is awarded, contractor to fur- » secretaries, clerks, &c .. 332 nish security ... 535 pay prescribed to be the full compensation 332 contracts lor supplies of navy, to be exe- no additional allowance ,... 332 cuted in a foreign country, not to be laws authorizing allowance repealed 332 made by any chicfofbureau, except, &c. 535 rations and travelling expenses . 332 in all cnses to be awarded to the low- _Q_ allowances in lieu of spirit ration re— cst bidder . . 535 pealed ...,, 332 paymnstcrs on foreign stations to furnish commutation price of navy ration. . . 333 certain certificates as to their purchases 535 pay of officers on the retired list not on resignation of certain officers of the navy active duty. 333 may he accepted 535 oB'it·ers pt·omoted on retired list to have one yenr's sea pay in addition to no increase of pay .. 333 those resigning . 535 retired third assistant engineers . 333 this not to apply when number grade of third assistant engineer on uc- oi' officers is reduced to the tive list abolished .. . 333 number allowed hy law.. . { . . 535 _ no ot-Hier- to be placed on retired list for medical corps of the navy, on misconduct . . . . 333 active list .. 535 certain officers not to be put on such list, medical directors, number, rank and pay of 535 T except, &c . 333 medical inspectors, number, pay, &e. ot'.. 535 pay of officers of the, when to commence 333 surgeons, and assistant-surgeons . 535, 536 L increzuxed pay, when to commence.. . sas pay corps. on active list ... 536 officers on active list below the grade of pay directors, number, &e. of ... 536 commander not found, upon examina- pay inspectors . . .. 536 tion, qualified for promo·ion, to be sus- pay paymasters . . 536 pendetl, &c. for one year, &c. . 333 passed assistant paymasters 536 to be then re-examined, and if failing assistant paymusters .. 536 to be dropped from the service 333 bonds of, to continue in force .. 536 _ , promotions and numbers in grade of lieu- 0Il§`iIIOOI‘ (:0l‘pS, on active list of tenant-commander. . 333 the navy .. 536 gg repeal of former law .. 333 chief engineers, number, rank, and pay number of licutenants to he increased at, of .. . . . . . . .. . . . 536 · _ &c. until, &c . . ... · ... 333 first assistant engineers 536 number of masters and ensigns estab- second assistant engineers . 536 ‘,’ , lished . 334 when appointed, to be between what eusigns to be steerage officers, unless, &c. 334 years of age . ... 586 _