Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1309

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INDEX. 1275 Potomac Water, (continued.) pr . w l>e(;illorvcdt;'0ix£)mcclianicnl, Svc. nurposos Wggfgmjnifoojigqnenglcolntcgllninéiqnngoglgl 8; P"" uummr gw- °“ Y Wh¤¤, ocnrcntions with Belgium 924, 928 . .. . .. : ._ . . _ .. 276 with Bremen . 953 955 956 Supply m places requiring a large quantity with Hamburg 958, 960, 961 w be determined by metros .. 276 with Prussia , P I wchru·gc·for wm .. me with nm méi ééhhh Uhm’ol»?’¤2i6 ° I I Ouliwareimggnions for the 28 29 38 348 849 558 884 DP P » i » . . 556 gal? . 3..6.1006, 1010, 1013, 1014 _ _ _ _ 1 wi zcr an . . ... . special provisions conccrning . .. 29 with the Netherlands ... cxpcnscg of two commissioners no ... 38 with Canada. .. . 1099 .1097 imcrest m irmrunu swan or . . ass wich Mexico . ""ibsd im removal of stray bands, of; Gm. fmm WlS- Wlth Glmwmalu .. ll . ll I I , 1103 cousin so In ian country south of K¤n·· 359 with Ecnczuclu. ... sas . ... . ... with 0 K n . 1 repcnl of proviso not to pay money due with,Va:§0u:zr€ Island and British 107 minor children of} until, &c .. . 860 Columbia 1115 1116 provision as to distribution of cash value with New Zealand .., z . . 1121 L 1123 of annuities among ccrtnin . 1. 559 President of the United Steves astro sail: of certain bonds held in 559 may, guring thelrccéess of the Senate, sus- _rns 0 ... pon any civi officer. excc t &c. tail Pamwatomzcc of Hutyonxh 349 and designate another? iso douliis 8 propriauons 01* c . . . . . 111508 . . .. . . . . . . . .. 7 Poughiee sie, Vew York shall n0minnto·to B11 ucan `es 'tbi conclzcrnncd cannon, granted for soldiers' thirty days after comm;ncc¤l=1¤·t¢:;lznc: monument ar. ... . .. 382 session of the Senate 7 Pound Sterling, _ _ _ if] during the session, the Senate remrc of the, m Umwd Sums currency, in fuse to coniirm, shall ncminano the accounts between the Post~0fficcs of another as soon as, &c. . , . 7 the Uniwd States and Great Britain. . .787, may fill vacancies happening during the 836, 854 recess from death, resignation, or nx- Pawdl, Pmfessm-, pimion of term of office. .. I . 7 appropriation for comfnlcting the survey to appoint I. wmmissioner and an agent P wd] of;/Irina Colorado of t c West by. . . 242- for the Uni;cdMSmcs, {nude; thedconn , idiom, vention wit exico, or t o a justpension to . . . 691 ment of claims. ._ .2 . 7, 8 P°“’°"’ *°"”ai. 668 °°§"‘{£‘$.‘ZL°Z}‘l?.'§ I3$.$“°5‘°“"“g°"' 8 pension ... x en ion l. P tt Jl!- to determine the racticnbilit of the dism ,cnsi1<;1al;0 .. . . 698 continuance ofll)'rccdmcn’s llospitals. . . 9 Probgz, Captain George Henry, to dispense with the services of certain allowance so be made in settlement of Indian n.gents,&»c ... 14 accounts . .. 639 duties of} under appropriations for fulfill- Preccdenw ing treaty stipulations with Indian of line and staff officers of the navy, pro- tribes. . ._ ... . . 14- 40 pw."}?‘°“£..°°“°"'°‘“*‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “"‘ ”° "’i?$22 ‘}~§§‘€i’ié"152i?”.$?22.€.%£"§ ?.`.§°%3.Z§’.""“‘ 29 p um ws, _ a _ _ . . .. provisions cf, extended to other lands of to orgnmzc_ a board of commissioncrshto the United States on the line of the and m disbursernem of the nppropns- Texas Pacific Railroad Company and 577 uonsbforttglc In:lI1:;rrs.d6l;g 40 not grantc theretc ... . . ma Fulllll _ eco sin 1 1 i , extended to Colorado 'llcrritogn 279 iississippi, and Texas, to u. roto of tho settlers to filo notice of their alms . 279 people of those States rlcspcczve y. . .40, 41 claimants when m make proof and pay- 279 sc§>);r;;cu:;rw;r(:ng0n; ta cn npono 41 twgl$·:tnionr:}ic"n¢l¢li:ional tirnc given to mode of taking the v0§.. . . E10, 41 certain settlers on the public lnnds, to members of the lE[£lRfUl;`0,Cl8IC0 - makcgqzroof and payment for their lands 601 mr? lnenghcxlzccm tr! noe deiglgrsss, H P — t tt/ers rna n aisn 1 ... re ir;Nchraskn to have one year fmm, no election 1:0Abc held n 1`cxap for any Y f el t 188 purgosc until the President directs. . . . 4K Prepay5;n¢t<;1l;am¢aqek8 pm; lzlttagfymcn l may ll vacancies in number of judge- °",,,*‘°‘°,,,“° *"°'“**“*·°‘ "°ZE“,,.‘.*‘°“'°“°€°“’m m"‘}Zéf“5§Z $22 §2"§‘B¥4ae.‘ “ Gum Bnmm um ngglo, ggé, 834 3211 S P. Hcinozelman on the retired 54 ' t'n rovisions of postal conventions list of the army. . ... .,.. i . $;i;lilG€cgt. Britain concerning. .849, 851, 8;;; to :c};£)o;tn]t;;0;o3r;1;i911<5?dg0‘ ¤:;_<>:£;¤6:£: . · ‘ I n' . . 56 provisions concerning, on unrcgistercd let- };:i;=}¤£¤0£;*g0%“:L*h £i§_*;l;’d'::¤';#¤dsi“ IBIS ln postal convention with Francc..8g?é l40"bSid)' bonds Handen w www their 56 _ _ . . lesion . bsolotc rovismns respecting, in posml fnll comp · _ _ 0 nonvengions wich Belgium 900, 919 vo direc: me Azwmcy General to msmuze