Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1319

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INDEX. 1285 Saylw. IZ. Saou, Wdlalm A payment to, for claim under contract for payment io, ior military services ass Sa I c.gothing .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 613 Scott, Wzlloam F., y es . ment vo f mili.. pnylnient to, for claim under contract for Sowell? i or my mums °````' 681 caching ... 613 d ro riat'o of th . . . Schedule A-, · A Scmpylpnmp 1 n or o . . 10 tax OH amolcs in, to cease October 1, what to be doomed . . 264 18TO. ... Z..256, 257 Sw.·C'0asi Cannon, A" Schedule B. a ro 1-imion for an d ff . . stamp i mx imposed in, on promissory Sea-Liign llqmcu, i n or ummgcs or 524 notes for less than 8 100, and Ol! rc- approprmtion for purchase of sites for. . . 544 oicipts for any sum, to cease October 1, no gpuch purchase to bcmadqexcepr, 870 .. 257 c. . .. . ... 5-14 Schedule C.,_ no contracts forfuturs expenditures. 544 smmp tax imposed in, on canned and Sea-Coast Mortar Batterzes, preserved hsh, to cease October 1, 1870 257 appropriations for sho construction cf. 223, 544 commissions allowed to proprietors of nr- Seal, ticlcs in, who furnish their own designs act to Iprcvout the extermination of] in for stamps .. .. 257 Alas fl ... . .. ... 180, 182 proviso as to removal of matches, cigar- the killing of any female, except, &c. S d lights, and wax tapers, for export. ... 257 prohibited . 180 ch d¢1)ue.s of any in certain places . .. 180 appropriations for payment of sixth and pcnaltgi. . . . ... . . . 180 Seven th annual instalments towards the Seal of Patent-()_§icc, capitalization of cho . . 221, 419 established, nnd use . . . . . .. 200 Schemzk, Robe.: C'., Seal-Skins, allowance ro, for the employment of s. tax upon each fur seal-skin taken and private amanuensis . . 590, 591 shipped fiom the islands of Saint Paul Sc alipropriarion therefor . 417 and Sinirp: Gieorgo, during the continu— 1 hnell, J . . ance 0 `tio casc ... 18 of California, mx1y cnwr ann pay for a certain, now on the islands may be delivsccnon of public land for l11s.tcz. colony 432 cred to owners, upon payment, &c 182 School Buildings and Schools, Seamen, _ _ _ _ _ fbr the Chippewus of tho Mississippi, approprumons for mhof of sick und dis- `treaty provnsions for 720 nbled ,.. t ... Z`. ..84, 314., 497 for the Klamath, &c Indians, treaty pm- 7 9 pcttfor the relicfofgisick Tod diznbgihlfrz, 170 visions for . 0 or y cents a mon o rc 1D Schoolhouses, the wages of certain. ._ _. . ._ 109 and their appurtenances, in tho District Soellllannc Hospatal bervwc. _ • of Columbia, to be exempt from taxa- appropr1_ar1onsfurre11ef and pijotcctxon of tion . . : 153 American, in tore1g1x counlprics .1. a.if20, 419 Sch Z L d cxpcnscs incurred in ac now c gmg ain (wagon, assent of Congress given to the services of mssxers and crews 2 the application of] by Oregon in its con- 595 for payolnfpggn ggszls in rescuing. 220, iii sritution ..,. . . _ , 1 _·, . ..: .. School Mono s. Sec Free Schools. serving furlninoz days ID the rebellion in the Jllistrict of Columbia, how ho be and rcma1ningloya\, muy enccr 31 quor- ‘ d 424 uci- sccnon ot land on lines ot rmlroads, appreprmw . .. .. . . gw l 321 'i i a t' .. 740 Search and Qezzure. Sec Great Brzjuzvn Schcgiglzziingzllisions W th Ch n MPR mg of ccrmn vessels suspected of being en- 8 appropriuuous for iudusrrial and other; . 359 gpspggsnpoghgrrgénmn slave-trade, 780 s Public, “I B .. ·, ·'S Stores ' of Vl’Vaiilmg1i>¤nloDn§:o’¢ifullding given ti? 369 eoprovision ns to customs duties upon those ` Uiwhggrrgorr u section purchased for usc by vcsscls cngaged · m resgrvcd for. . W .,,. 122 m foreign nndf cqqSf·i¤gf¤:*£¤ ¥)';li:;3 "S“"“·" T" ”“"‘· — · · 1. §€§II‘§'"’ &"“ "°"Y`T’T‘T .‘? .,.. 102 pagggnrifof demic iitibg, 651 such articles, if not cxocssivc in quanaicy, 403 ·*i¤~·v‘i·=·#¢· S~m· ”°—'2‘?"°§1°‘{J’$‘,2’ s1a‘g,;e411‘a;,s gx; 1;, in the District of Columbln, general pro- 1 Olid on excess I · I -· . O l t I ‘ 408 visions of law for esrabhshing 101, 102 d A 1;*1;]: En mem ··'• Gxisling, may reincorporurc themselves. . 101 Bilsctgmbusgcd 1. i) i i · · I U · U . l ·· gm Sw"' B"””'·Li”"'““”"Ge'""l Winfniiatue iiiiiniior, mnk, nndlpiiyiof .. 536 apiuopmmon for bronze eqnés rm 308 provisions as ro appointment, und promo- rn? o ..., _ __·_______ __ _, , , S°°”’ Harm! p" g dum noiileilsggi io lie. under nincmen a¤¤*$,P·‘*€3**¤¤ ii; P*y’°°“‘ ° P" $1,7 308 ,.,11 01,11.11 mm,.11 ... 131 an miongc .. . _ . LT I umendmem of former not m favor of 678 beccrgd gzgzxizlg vforrieglgffrm; and of clcrksl S°°"’ [L L""”°'"“’ ssx pim of .. 11, 2::1; 4s1 paymem no ·. - · · · ·