Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1343

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INDEX. 1309 Walker, Jesse, Wm Human A. expenses of com an of I um . E"' ·- ’ ‘

    • 3%*5*****% by- ifmgpwgiug kai2u?; A h“l,§,§°°,v"°&ti“°,§"t},"fb"} “P°” **1** Gm Mw

ubues nu Oregon w be adgumd .. 401 pawn: u;;§? ````°` 721 pydkm Mlmé ~W V IRM mfcr .. , . 721 widow 0 bert J. Walker, for money { F gfgspggdéguzx when Territorial Gov- 3£; ; ?m Im;Y git; Zire]?

  d   .   .  . . . ..» . .  .   . . ... 1135

in Washiugtgu Terxjiwry established 472 p£?:€ a:?t?g;£u g t1??; f bpuudarms, rcgnstor and receiver 471, 473 tinged in {Om- c mu ° ’ °°n`

 #,5;;,; gum may be umm ... ua mm ct;&c:éepeu1€u:: I I Zfff ZIZZ If [ g

` . ·. mvig pg"; gppmpnantens for the. . · .. . . . . . . . .. .32, 564 p00?Pa?nd destituggu W¤U·p¤!=-pe Indram, may scc apart, from timu ¢;> ¢H '``'``` L65 appropriations for the .. . . . . 33, 856, 565 portions of stmt; ’ p ’ 8 Www ·B¤»d ·J Sim Indim, width or m1.wL§}.3'1§Q ik}; `''° 8: pmwzds of sales of reservations 05 how special taxes for cuss mu to be applied. . ... . . .353 351 d y wb 1 uu collected ... 82 . . . in s. gum PWM .1. use cf, as to mail ¥.°.L“$ ‘§I.t‘3¥.?.¥’£2°¤$§"3L2 .Y€’},‘?.‘i.¤e °’ Eiga? the posts.! convention with streets for private purposes ... 82

   1 am  . . . . .. 8 m 0 1]f'

exzsting provjsious for the convey- :{'t{1§Di?t:i%t:;Fg31uru biu?o; rTdu :: o ;; ance of umls, xu time of war, or under sixteen years of age. . . 120 thrca¤euing war, in the postal cou- provision for a marker building and u

vcm.i0n with Bremen  957market. in .. . . . . .. . ..124-188

wgtb Hampurg ... 962 may take possession of building and with Mexaco. .. . 1101 grounds uficr thiny years 127 Warden of tlw Jail in the Distric! of Columbia, may use oper! space an intersection of cer-

1 propriatious for the .. 249, 493 tain streets and avenues as :1 market for

War gkparluaeut, the pumhusc and sale of hay, Svc . 128 appmpnamou to pay for plums for new width of a, ccrtain alley iu, may be rcbuildiugfor ... . .: . . I0 duced. . . . . . . . . . . .. 148 approprnsmou for rent, &c. of building offegxccs uguust the ordinances 0L to `bc corner of Fifwcuth aud F streets . 89 Erosccuted in the police court of the questions of law arising in the udmiuistra- istric: of Columbus ... . 153 cmziou of sha, except, Svc. w be sent to attorney 0L to attend oo rosecution. 156 P the Attorney-General ... 168 his guy therefor, and bow pronot to cmgoy counsel an the expense vi d . . . . . 156 of the uiwd States 164 to pay eighty percent. ofsaluries of judge, disbursiug odiccrs of the, to be allowed - clerk, &c. of said po1ice court 155 certain credits .. 166 to receive same proportion of fines, penulgppropriudcus for the.247, 248, 311, 491,492 tics, aud com . . .. : .. 155 for building occupied by the. . .248, 493, corporauou gig to {my for the pavxug ang 4 4 sewcmgo cer am cross smes an d of Secre of War, clerks, &c 247 nflcys, made necessary by the paving, P Y . t")' . commission to examine as to proprxoty &c. of M Street, north ‘. . . . .1. . . . 159 of making some v.n·s.n¥;amcuts for the. 367 zoglogxcal garden may be estublrshed ddicieucy appropriation r\hc..5l9, 520 m... ...3 . : .. . 157 horses for cavalry, artillery and Iu· an act of tho couucnls of rho cn? 01} for diem scouts 519 the relief of the trustees of the oundry clothing, garrison, and camp equi- Fgodist Episcopal Church, declared .. c . J. . . . sett1emgu?uf uccouuts of disbursing act to amend the lays regulating the asofiiccrs .. z . 519 sessmcut of mxps m t . 190, 191 fees of attorneys and expenses of penalty for vnolatnuggarovuuons os; 191 suits prior co rho establishment of mm scupt of assessment 0 taxes nu, so the Do artmenz of Justice ... 519 filed in collccjor s office. . . . °°“” *“" °"“’g°’ °’ S°“'° "“““°“` ug °°£’§,€§‘$’d‘lI2'3?1‘1L`¤¥“Z}I¤?Z“€¤i» m11’.;°&'3.. n . 1 m111g;? convicts , 519 same..; . 190 dcbgzgivos, scouts, and provost-man  !¤§:L;:E°d W °° °° P 190 s . .. .. ·······j ‘'‘‘‘‘‘' ""’ ’ expciwses of medical departments... 519 uo érgsfor f10m 0uc 1`uu<1 wzumf f ms limi: tnqevy ¥Z>{· ··§¤H¤}§»i uma . . ;.M p¤ymastcr·geuem1’s depsmmeuz 519 auditor gud cogptxollgr thm appmfl qu¤rt.crmusmr·geucml’s department. 33:;::930 009, p Y, wl 81 nal ouice .. ; ·-····· be -d clucf engineer of the army .. . .. 520 wuz; Im Wadv S' E‘* · · y o unless there is n fund to the A d to Iudxsns bm ¤° P°{"‘°“‘ °°’ M g°° ° `°°°° ass mam: mn mmuu .. m y... .. ...