Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/156

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122 FORTY·-FIRST CONGRESS. Ssss. II. Ch. 94, 98, 102. 1870. P¤§ig:’ Ri point of junction of the Union Pacific Railroad Company und the Cen- ?>:cmc°R_°§_r3,,_ tral Pacific Railroad Company shall be dciiniiely fixed and established established on the line of railroad as now located and constructed, northwest of the

‘§3f*h° station at Ogden, and within the limits of the sections of land hereindep, gw, F uflcr mentioned, viz.: section thirty-six of township seven, of range two,

siturtte north and west of the principal meridian and baseline in the Territory of Utah, and sections twenty-five, twenty-six, and thirty-tive of township seven, of range two, and section six of township six,and _sections thirty and thirty~oue of township seven, of range one, and sections one and two of township six, of range two, all situate north and west of m£':§;£‘;>°*“ said principal meridian and base line; and said Icompauies are hereby Xauthorized to enter upon, use, and possess stud sections, winch are hereby granted to them in equal shares, with the same rights, privileges, and obligations now by law provided with reference to other lands grunted to said ruilromls: 1’rovfded,h02vovcr, That the Svcretzuy -0f the Interior shall designate st section of land in snid township seven, of range two, belonging to said conipanies, and reserve the same Hur the benefit of Rewrvc TM schools in said Territory, in ncoordztncc with the not of F<·bruary twenty- °°h°°lS' one, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, establishing the office of surveyor- _ general of Utah, and to grunt land for school and university purposes: P"“ °H“"d‘ ])l'OUI.(]¢’ll also, Thut said companies shall pay {br any additional lands acquired by this act at the mte of two dollars and fifty cents an acre: Private rights. And provided _/itrthor, That no rights of private persons shall be uilbcted by this uct. Approved, May 6, 1870. _Mgyjdl,_l8iQ:__ CHAP. XCVIII.——An Act to establish an addttional Land District in the State q' see 1w, QT aus. K¤~¤¤S- Be it enacted by the Senate and Ihmse of Representatives of t/lc United diS·;f?;*:';f";;:!1f“d States of Antcrfcalin O'0ngress asseinb/cd,'1`liat all that portion of the lished in 1;,,,,,,,, State of I{nnsus lying south of the fourth standard parallel, and west of the oust line 0i' range twelve, oust of the sixth principal meridian in said. State, shall constitute nn additional land district, to be called the Arkansas district, tho location of the officc for which shall he designated by the President of the United States, and shall by him, from time to time, be changed as the public interests may seem to require. Register and Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President be, and he is ’°°°"°'i hereby, authorized, whenever the public interests shall require, to appoint, in accordance with existing laws authorizing appointments to officc, ll register and u receiver for the district hereby created, who shall each be dcalgfdtfgzg required to reside at the site of the office {br said district, have the same and PLL ’ powers, responsibilities, and emolumeuts, and be snb_)eet to the same acts and penalties which are or may be prescribed by law in relation to other land officers of the United States. Qruin ,,,,;,,8 Sec. And be it further enacted, That all sales and locations made

gé:;·;2¤¤¤¤ at the offices of the districts in which the lands embraced in this district

‘ have hitherto been included, situated within the limits of this district, which shall be valid and right in other respects, up to the day on which the new office shall go into operation, be, and the same are hereby, confirmed. Am-110V1m, May 11, 1870.

 CHAP. CII.-An Act limiting the Appointment of certain Oyieers in the Treasury

Department. I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mfgxcplrdlggents States of Amerzcetytn Congress assenzbled, That the Secretary of the Treasbwksl Mmmm, ury shall be, and is hereby, authorized to appoint special agents, not exceeding fifty-three m number, for the purpose of making the examinations