Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/226

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192 FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 213, 214, 224. 1870. i¤°*`°”°d»°"°· of July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled “An Qlgggdcglfg? act relating to pensions," shall be so construed as to increase the amount Vol.’xiv. p.é30. directed to be paid in any special act of Congress granting a pension; `}§°8·°h· zggg nor shall said acts be construed so as to reduce the same whenever such °'Xv P`act fixes definitely the amount of pension to which the person therein named shall be entitled, in excess of the rate fixed by general law for the rank in respect to which such special pensions may have been or may hereafter be granted. Sums hereto- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That this act shall have the effect f°"° ‘?“hh°ld*° to restore to the persons affected hereby any sums heretofore withheld b° pm °v“' from them by the construction hereinbefore prohibited. Approved, July 7, 1870. July'7, 1870. CHAP. CCXIV.——An Act to change the Times ey" holding the Circuit and Dishict ""°l`_`_` Courts of the United States in the northern District of Ohio. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United T°"“’ of °l"‘ States of America in Congress assembled, That, instead of the times now

   fixed by law. the circuit and district courts of the United States for the

northern district of Ohio shall hereafter be held as follows: at Cleveland, Ohio, on the first Tuesdays in the months of January, April, and October, in each year; and all recognizances, indictments, or other proceedings, civil and criminal, now pending in either of said courts, shall be entered and have day in court, and be heard and tried according to the times of holding said courts as herein provided. APPROVED, July 7, 1870. July 8, 1870. CHAP. CCXXIV.—An Act to incorporate the United States Freehold Land and Emi- """"""-"` gralfon Company, and to confirm certain Legislation in Colomclo Territory. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Frgxxg Eat? States of America in Congress assembled, That William Gilpin, Ambrose and Emignmon E. Burnside, S. L. M. Barlow, Charles A. Lambard, William H. Rey- Compauyincow nolds, Hiram Hitchcock, Henry W. Gray, Morton C. Fisher, and such

d"§E°l°‘ other persons as may be associated with them and their successors, are

W . . . . . Mexico. hereby created a body politic and corporate, in the Territories of Colorado and New Mexico, by the name, style, and title of the “United Powers. States Freehold Land and Emigration Company," and by that name shall have succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in all proper courts of law and equity, SW- and may make and have a. common seal. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the capital stock of the said Capital stock. corporation shall be two and one half millions of dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and the same shall be deemed to be h Shprws, phd pcrsonallproperty and transferable on the books of the company only, and ng; W °" such capital stock may be increased from time to time to the extent ne— cessary to carry out the objects for which said company is formed, not cxcceding in the whole the sum of ten million dollars, upon a vote of two thirds in amount of the stock for the time being in favor of such increase. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall have By-laws. power to make such by-laws as it deems proper for the disposition of its property and estate, and for the management of its business and affairs, for the regulation of the term of office of its officers and their duties, and to carry out the general objects of the corporation, and the same to amend Provino. or repeal at pleasure: Provtded, That such by—laws shall not conflict with any law of the United States; or of the Territories of Colorado and New Mexico, or the States which may be formed therein. bcféezpzpgggigrgo Sec. 4. And bait further enacted, That the corporators named in this · act shall be the directors for the first year from the organization of the company, and until others are elected; and thereafter annual elections of