Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/368

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834 FORTY·—FIRS'I‘ CONGRESS. Sass: II. Ch. 295. 1870. mf·;Tgb:;3*m_ . Sxcc. »10. And be itjiq·ther enacted, That the number of masters and em. ap, mab, ‘ sngns on the active list; authorized by law is hcrebyfixcd and established mma; as one hundred in each grade; and ensigns shall héreaftcr be stccrage mE:_‘:g€"z£°c::s 0}i?<;2rs, uglcés assigréed to duty as watch and division officers ; but thig unless, gm, ’ s a not c construe as vacating the commission of any master or ensigu now in the service. Numbeqof Sm. 11. And bait further enacted, That, until the number of passed gmgxgm assistant payxgastcrs shall have been reduced below thirty, there shall qssismmpay- be no promouon to that grade, nor any appointment to the grade of E:1¤£¤‘¤¤¤¤P-b- assistant paymaster; and after such reduction shall have taken place, ' the number in each of said grades shall not exceed thirty in the former aud twenty in the latter. S'F¤d°¤¤¥¤ .SEc 12 And be itfurlhcr enacted That the students in the N I N -• y SVB ,,,°g;'1c${°:g°my Academy shall hereafter be styled cadet midshipmen; and they shall

$g;Pmid¤¤iy— be selected and appgnntcd gs prescribed in the eighth section of the

ho} to be W “`Act to amend certam gots m relation to the navy," passed March two, mq??; ,4,. eighteian huudmd and mxty-seven,and shall be subject to the laws appncabc to tho students at sand academy and receive the pay therem ¥é?,;?;lf,fK’A;; prescribed_; but this shall not be constrniqd to authorize the appoint· When tqm- ment of cadqt midshipmen from among boys enlisted in the navy. When gf;:‘:5"aF;Pm;j cadet midslypmen shall have passed successfully the graduating exami- Impmeny ,,0,, rmtmp at sand academy they shall receive appomtments as midshipmcu, Pr<>m¤fmi,&c. ranking according to merit, and may be promoted to the grade of cnsign Am www as émcancgas in 31; nqmbcr allowed by law in that grade may occur. H tc ‘ pq. 1 . n U at further enacted That all acts or parts of acts au-

,;§g (@2
ry tluguing the appointment of tcmpormjy acting odiccrs in the navy be,

¤¤<<=¢p¤, c· an L c same are hereby, repealed, except as to assistant survcons. mgizfgiwy Sec. 14. And be it further pnacted, That summary courtsjamartial may enum-mmm be ordered upon petty cificers and persons of inferior ratings by the 25::: £:':'*Y °m· commandants of navy yyrds, naval Istacions, and marine barracks, in the

g,;,5',,h_136_ cases? under the rcgulntmns, and wnh the effbct provided for and speci-

Vol. x. p. 027. fied 115 me “hAcc to provide a more efficient discipline for the ¤a.vy," approve arc two, eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve. d£;:mrg;&f; ita?E;‘; 15.";4nd bg itttfurther magtegz gba? the ;H Joint resolution to facilcmomw mv l o l 0 se cmcn 0 accounts 0 IS ursing 0 cars" approved March ggxdwboréu-y iwonengbtgcn hundred gud sixty-seven, shall not be ,c0nstrued to apply Pm;. RBS. Z.; d1sb:u·smgth0Hiccrs of the nagy;dbut Fuch officers shall render their N,,_48’1887_ coun s as e same were ren are be orc the passage of said joint Vol. xiv. p. 671. resolution. nflgggagsflglcfs NSec. 16. Andba it further enacted, That the chiefs of bureaus in the N", mmm_ avy Department shall be entitled to the pay of commodores on shore mw;. dytyynngi 1f rgtnréed fron; sand office by reason of age 01- length of servxce, 0 e rama faay 0 that grade. u&§:li>:¤ra:¤§··r<;_gr Ssc. 17. And bcjt further enacted, That expenses incurred by any medicines and officcr of the navy for medicines and medical attendance shall not be . I . _ zqgzgtggqsf. a}0wcd unless they were mcuyred when he was on duty, and the madnnlhmd mm, :;`|'l;8::;1lii noghafc gem obtiaéned flcom xijaval supplies, or the attendance 3,, a mc nca 0 car cou not ave een had · nor shall any funeral mggrgerulox- glpsnseslrf a nawgal l;>ffif$>cr wlgo died in the Unite;] States, or expenses · r rave 0 atten t c uncra of an officcr who died there be allowed; Put when an officerAn dqty dies in a foreign country the expenses of his t;:egr:&c110:ng:;ecd:ing I33s seagay for one month, shall be defrayed by rn an pan yt e paymaster u on wh b ok th S of such officer was borne for pay. p Ose 0 S C name g . 0f1‘_}‘F::;l¤gi)¥;¢;$i1¤ NSE0. 18. And be at further {nacted, That the superintendent of the ymry my com aval Observatory bc, agd he xs hereby, authorized to contract for the gsmfoiggggrmp construction of ll rcfracting telescope of the largest size, of American Sag ope. manufacture, at v, cosy nom czgcecding fifiy thousand dollars; and the I Appropriation sum of ton thousand dollars IS hereby appropriated in part; payment m Pm:. theN:fo1‘.