Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/470

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436 FORTY—FIBST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 99. 1871. w§;;J;sg:_?:?°*` supervisor, acting both in such capacity and officially as a commissioner of smh cn, the circuit. court, to forthwith examine into all the facts thereof'; to subpoena and compel the attendance before him of any witnesses ; administer oaths and take testimony in respect to the charges made; and prior to the assembling of the ongress for which any' such representative or delegate was voted for, to have filed with the clerk of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States all the evidence by him taken, all infomation by him obtained, and all reports to him made. In ,,;,,,,,0,,, of See. 8. And be it further enacted, That whenever an election at which representatives representatives or delegates in Congress are to be chosen shall be held

,':1$;?:féS’“ in any city or town of twenty thousand inhabitants or upward, the mar·

&c.themarsha1 shal of the United States for the district in which said city or town is

  • ° °·RP°l¤* ****9 situated shall have power, and it shall be his duty, on the application, in

special deputies . . . . . . . . to aid su awp wrmng, of at least two citizens residing in any such city or town, to apscrs pslgépggnssi pointdsggéeciazhdeputy masshags, whpsph duty it shall bp, yrhten reqplired as provi in ns ac , 0 ai an assis e supervisors o e ec ion m e verigtzzlgg and ficetion of any list of persons made under the provisions of this act, who may have registered, or voted, or either; to attend in each election district or voting precinct at the times and places fixed for the registration of voters, and at all times and places when and where said registration may by law be scrutinized, and the names of registered voters be marked for challenie ; and also to attend, at all times for holding such elections, the polls oft e election in such district or precinct. And the marshal and his gen-

  • ° k°°l_’°:l;:t eral deputies, and such special deputies, shall have power, and it shall be

¥,,,ud,’£,,_, the dpty of such speoialldeputies, to keep the peace, and support and protect t ie supervisors 0 e ectious in the discharge of their duties, reserve order at such places of registration and at such polls, prevent frgudulent registration and fraudulent voting thereat, or fraudulent conduct on the part of any officer of election, and immediately, either at said place of regto make car istrauon or. po1ling·plece, or elsewhere, and either before or'after registermn umm, WM mg or voting, to arrest and take into custody, with or without process, m- ,,;;;,0,,; Pm. any person who shall commit, or attempt or offer to commit, any of the acts Mgécvisions M or offences prohibited by this act, or the act hereby amended, or who shall ,,),,,,,,8,,, commit any offence against the laws of the United States: Provided, That no person shall be arrested without process for any offence not com- _ m1tted m the presence of the marshal or his general or special deputies, or Su ervisors of · . . . . dmgm www either of them, or of the supervisors of election, or either of them, and, Sewer, gw_ of for the purposes of arrest or the preservation of the peace, the supervisors gguty msrnlzsf of election, and each of them, shall, in the absence of the marshals outgwcggts · deputies, or if required to assist said deputies, have the same duties and d,,,, of ,,;,,cu,,,, powers as deputy marshals: And provided further, That no person shall, 2; certain often- on the day or days of any such election, be arrested without process for

  • any offence committed on the day or days of registration.

diwsxgh Sec. 9. Andlbe tl jintltcr enacted, That whenever any arrest is made f,,m:iw;,b&b,;°,,, pnderhany) provision of this act, th; person so arrfested shall forthwith be wu ge, e. mug e ore a commissioner, 'u , or court 0 the United States for examination of the offences alleéedgsgainst him; and such commissioner, Judge, or court shall proceed in respect thereto as authorized by law in case of crimes against the United States. ingggggg with SEO: 10. Ami be itfurthar enacted, That whoever, with or without any supervisors of authority, power, or process, or pretended authority, power, or process, of

mog;,$£¤r- any State, territorial,. or 'municipal authority, shall obstruct, hinder, assault,

dopuaiw or by hribery, solicitation, pr otherwise, interfere with or prevent the supervisors ot election, or either of them, or the marshal or his general or special deputies, or either of them, m the performance of any duty required of them, or either of them, or which he or they, or either of them, may be authorized to perform by any law of the United States, whether in the execntmri of process or otherwise, or shall by any of the means before mentioned hinder or prevent the free attendance and presence at