Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/584

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550 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 120. 1871. Reghigggwgggf For eighth of fifteen instalpnentfh for sagng cipjects for Pembina band of · ’ · Chi ewas, er same treat , our thousand dollars. Idhlxphlilddgbc of Itpoli eighth of fifteen inslzralments for pay of one blacksmith, one phys;. cian, who shall furnish medicine for the sick, one miller, and one farmer, per fourth article of same treaty, three thousand nine hundred dollars. For eighth of fifteen instalments for the purchase of iron and steel, and other articles, for blacksmithing purposes, per same treaty as above, one thousand five hundred dollars. For eighth of fifteen instalments, to be expended for carpentering, and other purposes, per same treaty, one thousand dollars. For eighth of fifteen instalments, to defray expenses of a board of visitors, to consist of not more than three persons, to attend the annuity pay- ments of the said Chippewa Indians; each member of the board to be paid not more than five dollars per day, for not more than twenty days’ service, and ten cents per mile for not more than three hundred miles’ travel, three hundred and ninety dollars. For insurance and transportation of annuity goods and provisions, and iron and steel for blacksmiths, for the Chippewas of Red Lake and Pembina. tribe, three thousand dollars. For this amount or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be used at the discretion of the President, to carry on the work of instructing and aiding the Chippewas of Red Lake, the Pembina tribe of Chippewas, and other Indians of the Mississippi Chippewa agency, (not including the Chippewas of Lake Superior,) in the arts of civilization, with a view to , their self-support, twenty thousand dollars. V(?)l10$€?W¤·99 O}wctaws.-For permanent annuity, per second article treaty six- V0l:Xi_'pl?‘61,£_ teenth November, eighteen hundred and five, and thirteenth article treaty pwenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for support of lightrhorsemen, per thirteenth Vol- vii- p- 212- article treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and twenty, and article lthirteen, trppty twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six undrcd dollars. For permanent annuity for support of blacksmith, per sixth article V0!- vii- P- 236- treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and twenty, ninth article treaty January twenty, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth plrticge grgapy twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nve, six un re dollars. For permanent annuity for education, per second article treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-f·ive, and thirteenth article treaty pwentysecond June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six thousand dollars. For permanent annuity of iron and steel, per ninth article treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article of treaty twenty-second June, eighteen. hundred and fifty-f·ive, three hundred and twenty dollars. For interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ninety-two cents, at five per centum per annum, for education, support of the government, and other beneficial purposes, under the direction of the general council of the Choctaws, in conformity with the provisions contained in the ninth and thirteenth articles of the treaty twentieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and treaty of twenty-second of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, nineteen thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and eighty-nine cents. mggslgfsfgszgs Oonfecleratcd Tribes and Bands of Indians in Zlhddle Oregon.-- Fo? M-;,,,,,,,,,, in secpnd of five instalments, third series, for beneficial objects, per second Middle Qrcgon. article treaty twenty-fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, four thou- Vol. xn. p. 965. sand dollars_ For twelfth of fifteen instalments for pay and subsistence of one farmer