Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/759

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,,; TREATY WITH RUSSIA. JANUARY 27, 1868. 725 .; BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: JM,. 27, 1865, §§ A PROCLAMATION. Wunnnas an additional article to the treat of navi ati n il between the United States of America alind the Igmpzroiudl cli:;;;::`:?' Pmmblm “ the 18th of December, 1832, was concluded and signed at Washington { by their respective plenipotentiaries, on the 27th day of January, 1868; » »= the original of which additional article is word for word as follows; , The United States of America Sa Ma`esté l’Em ereur de tou s ·¤ V and his Majesty the Emperor of all les Russids et les Etgts-Unis d’Arrl;· pegtigfml g the Russias, deeming it advisable rique, jugeant utile d’ajouter un V°1‘vm‘p‘“°" that there should be an additional article additionnel au traits de comarticle to the treaty of commerce be- merce conclu entre eux le {5 Dé- tween them of the {E December, cembre, 1832, ont nommé a cet eifet i 1832, have for this purpose named pour leurs Plénipotentiaires savoir as their plenipotentiaries, the Presi- Sa Majesté l’Empereur de toutes dent of the United States, William les Russies le Conseiller Privé H. Seward, Secretary of State, and Edouard de Stoeckl, son Envoyé ~ his Majesty the Emperor of all the Extraordinaire et Ministre P1énipo· Russias, the Privy Councillor, Ed- tentiaire pres lcs Etats-Unis, et le ward de Stoeckl, accredited as his President des Etats-Unis le Sieur ‘ Envoy Extraordinary and Minister William H. Seward, Secrétaire

 Plenipotentiaryto the United States; d’Etat,1esquels, apres avoir vérifié

§ and the said plenipotentiaries, after leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouvés eu ? an examination of their respective bonne et due forme, ont arreté et l full powers, which were found to be signé ce qui suit: in good and due form, have agreed to and signed the following: ADDITIONAL Amsrcnz. Amrxcmt ADDI’.l‘IONNEL• The high contracting parties, de- Les ,Hautes Parties Oontrac- 4;,,,,,,4,,,-5mg,,; siring to secure complete and et'- tantes,desirant assurer unecomplete ;>fl=)¤¤d¤ mrks ficient protection to the manufactur- et éiiicace protection a 1’industrie d%m‘;§§;"° °f . ing industry of their respective manufacturiere de leurs sujets et citizens and subjects, agree that any citoyens respectifs, sont convenues counterfeiting in one of the two que toute reproduction dans l’un des countries of the trade marks aflixed deux pays des marques de fabrique in the other on merchandise to show apposées dans Pautre sur certaines its origin and quality, shall be stricte marchandises, pour constater leur ly prohibited and repressed, and origine et quahté, sera séverement shall give ground for an action of interdite et réprirnée,. et pourra damages in favor of the injured donner lieu a une action en domparty, to be prosecuted in the courts mages intérets valablement exercée wnersprese. 0f the country in which the counter- par la partie lésée, devant les tr1bu· ¤¤¤¤d· feit shall be proven. naux du pays ou la contrefacon aura The trade marks in which the citi- été constatée. _ zens or subjects of one of the two _Les marquesde fabrique, dont les mae mm-ks countries may wish to secure the sujcts ou les eitoyens de lun des ghggedssd right of property in the other, must denx états voudraient assurer la probe lodged exclusively, to wit, the pnété dans lautre, devront étre marks of citizens of the United déposées exclusivemeut, savoirz les