Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/8

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viii LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. . . , . P¤s··= National Theological Institute. An act to repeal the preamble of an act m relation to the 1\ationa1 '1`1¤eo1ogie.¤l Institute, npprove.1 April twenty-second, ughteen hundred end seventy. June 1, 1870, ch. 117 ... ’. ., ..,. 148 City of |Wzs}u`ngl0n. An act to authorize the reilnetion of the width of an alley in sqnnre number three hundred und seventy-six, in the city ut \Vn.sliington. June 1, 11K4U, ch. 118 .. Z.- 148 Deficienqy Appropriatzvn. An net to supply n dsticiency in the appropriation for vnmynensatron and mileage of members of the llouse_of Represcnitntwcs, and elelegutes from T€l'TltOI`1L'S tor the fiscal yeur ending June aliirty, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, and for other purposes. June 6, 1870, eh. 123 . 148 Courl of Clazms. An act to fix the snlnry of the builiif of the court of claims. June 7, 1810, 148 ch. 124 . P0st·Roads—Drmvb»·:dqes in A/aI»um·i. An not to establish certain post-roads in the Stine of Alabama, and fur other purposes. June 8, 1870. cli. 125 .2 149 Hot Sprinqs Reservation in Arkansas An act in relntion to the Hot Sprmgs Reservation in Ar» kansas. June 11, 1870, ch. 126' .. , . ... 149 C0/lecfon Dzstrict in Orqqonr An act to establish the collection district of Willamette, m the State 01`0regun. June 14, 1870, cli 127 . ...l... 150 Prisoners. An act to regulate credits to prisoners for good helmvior. June 14, 1870, eh. 128.. . . 151 Assistant Treasurer in Baltimore. An nc! to jnrovide for the appointment 01 am assistant treasurer of the United Smtes at Baltimore. une 15, 1870, ch. 129 151 Salaries of ./ranges in the Territr»·ies. An net to regulate the salaries of chief justices and associate justices in the :.l`errit0ries. June 17, 1870, ch. 130 . ... . .. 152 Exemption _/}·nm Ylmmlion zu fha District of Columbia. An act exempting from taxes certain nmperry in the Distriet ofC61umhin, and to amend the “Act to provide for the creation of corporations in the District oi' Columbia by general law." June 17, 1870, eh. 131 .. 158 Artificial Limbs to Soldiers. An act to provide for inrnishing artificial limbs to disabled soldiers. June 17, 1870, ch. 132 .. .. . 153 Police Cam-¢j&'»· rhe I)rZsm2-t ay Columbia. An act to establish a police court for the District of Co lumbin, and for other purposes. June 17, 1870, ch. 133 .. 153 Wasl1:n_r;/air Zxiluqicrtl Sw-zetq. An acc rn incorporate n zoiilogical society in the city of Washing- _ ton, District o1` Columbia. June 21, 1870, ch. 134 . . 157 Assoriationjizr the Prevention of (,"ru·»lr_q to Am'nmL~:. An net to l1l(‘O1']')O1`I11Z8 an Association for the Prevention of Cruelry to Animnls, in the District 0I` Columbia June 21, 1870, eh. 135. . 158 Judges ofE/venous in the Disnict of (,b!unzl>/a. An net amendntory of act approved February fifih, eighteen huntlred and sixty-seven, nnd joint resolution approved March twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred und sixrv-seven, relative to judges and commissioners of election in the cities oi'Wr»s1»irinrt1>n and Gear vetown Distrrct of Columbia. June 21, 1870 eh. 136 . 159 · & J i PuvmgnnrlSr¤·wm·zzy¤e0f1lIS/:··~e/. An not m nuthorize the paving and sewerage of M Street, 'Wnsliinggton, Disrrict of Columbia. June 21, 1870, eh. 137 . .. 159 Register of HQ`]/s_;Q>r the District of (‘uInmln'a An 81*1 to require the register of wills {br the District of Columbia to give buncl. June 21, 1870, ch. 138 . . . 160 Act ofCin; Cotmci/v of Mnehimylon Ier;u/iced. An not to make legal a certain act of the councils 0f the city of Wnsltingtcm. June 21, 1870, Oh. 139 ... . ... 160 BaiI% and CI`I'¢’I`.Y of C'o1n·/s in the llislr/ef of Columbia. An nvt to amend nn act entitled "An act iiFin§¥ the cmnbeimntiorn for the bnilitfs and criers o1` the courts of the District of Columb;n," npproved February twenty-two, eighteen hundred und sixty-seven. June 21, 1870, ei. 140 .. . . - . 160 Supreme Court oft/re District of CIO/NHI{!l·!(. An act relating to the supreme c0u1‘t 0I` the District of Columbia. June 21, 1870, ch. 1-11 . 1 .. . . . . 160 Baltimore and_Poromzm Rm/mid Compemy. An act supplementary to an act enritI<·¤l "An act to authorize t11e •.·onsh·ucmm, extension [extension, construction], and use of zz luteml brunch of the B1\l11m0Y8`l1H1l Potornnc llaxlroud Company, into and within the District of Columb;n,Hgpprovenl lsebruary five, eighteen hundred und seventy [sixtv-seven]. June 21 1:470, .. . . 2 ... . . 161 Department ay/`.]uslzce. r\n act to establish the Department of Justice. June 22, 1870, eh. 150. . . 162 Schooner ‘ (nwnllo Mamm." A ur-t to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue ex register to the schooner “Cuvallo Marino." June 22, 1870, ch. 151 165 National Q/7a Asmzramie {mei 77`LoSZASS01‘I'(lZIAO)I. An nc: to incorporate the National Mutual Life Assurainee Association 01 Witsliairgton, l). C. June 23, 1870, ch. 152 . . 165 ,- _1 { ‘ — , . . . . ·. Settlement ofAmmmrs of Iletmy md Naw! Qgfcers. An act to ¢1111l101‘1L0 the settlement of the accounts of oilrccrs of the urm y and navy. June 23, 1870, eh 153 . 166 C'enszzs5f1g60£‘ {gn act to pay loyal citizens in the St.:¤1es_lutely in rebellion for services in taking N i ze 111},1 Tunes census ot eighieen hundred and sixty. June 24, 1870, ch. 164 . 167 Gt10I1(;€.{7lHL‘Il0ll Ima/way C'0mp¢1ny. A ad; 10 nmcnd an net ll1C01‘p01`8Il11g‘ the National Junction mlway Company. June 28, 1870, ch. 165 . . . 167 Post-Ream. An net declaring the bridge between Philadelphia. and Camden n post-route. June 28, 1870, ch. 161: . . . 168