Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1063

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INDEX. 1023 Grubb, Beqinmin J, Hall, Jerry, da3a§i;£warded to, by comrmssioners darnslgfzs awarded to, by commissioners . • • • • • • • • • Q • Grubb, Ebenezer, Ha]g Johsjfns °' ‘694

£Z&>}ngE ;;;?i€or hve-stock . . . . 714 dagéaggg awarded to, by commissioners

, . . ., ms

 §>a,€}r1le11t jo, for live-stock . . . . . 714 Hau, Lelvis F., U U 694

riiti ercin ssociution, cyagmof allowed - - of Washington, D. C., may issue build- Hall, Mary .:1., by commlssmmrs` 743

J¤i;;;;:k, &c. . 628  flaimf£;llcwed by commissioners . . 769

_ y1 2 CI . .

 claim mj allowed by commissioners . . 754   negfnent ga; for military services . . . 773

uano, se , 0 n ., protection heretofore given to discov- claims of United Smtes against surviverers of deposits of, extended to their ing obligors upon bond of to be comwidows, &c., in certain cases . . . 48 promised . y. . . . . 766 rightls of discovery, &c., not im- Halyburton, James D., psured . • 48 political disabilities removed from . . 792 prohibition of export of, suspended as to Hamby, Joel M.,

 fortaiu j ersons until July 14, 1877 . 48   claim ? alloged by commissioners . . 764

uar zum amzton, avi ., penalué upon, for embczzling pension of clnim allcywed by commissioners . . 754 war ama, vn, war , Gmmell, Robert, payment to, for live-stock . 714 damages awarded t0, by commissioners Hamilton, Emeline, of claims .. 694 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 754 Gunpowder, “Elmillm Fish,"

 appéoprgtion for .. . . 146 tl1¢§ uanle ogxhf sh? “William F.  

ns. lee ummm. orer ’ to c an e to that of . . 9 appngpriation for experiments in heavy . 146 Hamilton, Joshua, g Guthrie, dwin, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 754 claim ofQ allowed by commissioners . . 748 Hamilton, Robert, Guttery, [sham, damages awarded to, by commissioners claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 743 of claims .. 698 Hammmnd, Dellla,

 clan; ag, gllowed by commissioners . . 746

ammcn , `. ‘., H. claim of United States against, to be compromise · · . . . . . . . 766 Habeas Corpus, Hammon, Miles R., during a, rebellion against the govern- claim oi} allowed by commissioners . . 748 ment of the United States, the Presi- Hancock Barracks, dent may suspend the writ of . . . 15 at Houlton, Me., to be sold . 40 proclamation to be first made . . 15 Hancock County, Ohio, this law not to be in force after, &c. 16 condemned cannon, &c., to Soldiers' provisions of act in relation 1:0 the dis- Monument Association of . . . . . 54 charge of certain prisoners made ap- Hanes, Hiram, plicable thereto 15 claim ot] allowed by commissioners . . 743 writ of, suspended in certain counties of Hanna, Jeremiah O., South Carolina 952 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 746 suspension of; revoked as to Marion Harben, Nzzrhaniel P., county, South Carolina 953 damages awarded to, by commissioners suspended in Union county, South of claims . . . . . . 694 Carolina . . . . . 954 Harbor, Hagar, James M., uc Buffalo, N. YB contract {or improve- amentto . . . . . . . . . . mcnf.o,ma.y eextene . . . . H alqll1t?vAlemnder, Harbors. See Rivers and Harbors. claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 759 appropriations fog, at Haines, Edward B., Ahnupee, W1B. . . . . . . . . 370 claim oi} allowed by commissioners . . 759 Ashtabula, Ohm . 371, 5b1 Hale, John P., Baltimore, Md. . . . . . 373, 568 allowance of salary to, in settlement of Big Sodus, N. Y. ... 371 his accounts . . . . . . . . . 123 Black Ls1ke,Micl1. . . . . 371, 560 Hal/Tdlme. See Mints, firc. Black River, Oluo 315, 561 standard weight and value of 427 Boston, Mass. . . 375, 635 Half-dol/am. See Mints, ye. Bridgeport, Conn . 374, ob5 standard weight and value of . . . . 427 Buflelo, N. Y. . . . . . . 373, 031 Hafmgle. See Mints, {Pc. Burlmgton, Vt .. 37,4, 661 staxxclayd weight and value of the . . . 426 Calumet, Ill . . 373, 560 Hull, Bazil, Cambmdge, Md. . . . . . 373, 568 damages awarded to, by commissioners Camden, Me. . . . . 565 of claims . .. . . . 694 Cedar Keys, Fla. .. . 378 Hall, Hinton, Charleston, S. C. . 313, 563 claim oi] allowed by commissioners . . 754 Cheboyg:-m, Mlch. . . . . 371, 661.