Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/111

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 140. 1872. 'Zl addition to his salary as treasurer of the branch mint, one thousand ilve Independent hundred dollars; for cashier, three thousand dollars; for book-keeper, two t Bm thousand five hundred dollars; for assistant cashier, two thousand dollars;  ; for assistant book-keeper, two thousand dollars ; for stamp-clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for three night—wa.tohmen, four thousand five hundred dollars; for one day-watchman, nine hundred and sixty dollars; in all, twenty thousand six hundred and sixty dollars. Office of assistant treasurer at Philadelphia: For assistant treasurer in st Philadeladdition to his salary as treasurer of the mint, one thousand five hundred Phil; dollars ; for cashier and chief clerk, two thousand seven hundred dollars ; chief book—keepe1·, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief interest clerk, one thousand nine hundred dollars; assistant book-keeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; coin teller,_0ne thousand seven hundred dollars; registered interest clerk, one thousand seven hundred dollars; assistant coupon clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; fractional currency clerk, one thousand six hundred doHars; assistant registered loan clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant registered loan clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant coin teller, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant fractional currency clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars ; receiving teller, one thousand three hundred dollars; assistant receiving teller, one thousand two hundred dollars; superintendent of building, one thousand one hundred dollars; seven female counters, at nine hundred dollars each, six thousand three hundred dollars; four watchman, at nine hundred and thirty dollars each, three thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, thirty-six thousand three hundred and twenty- three dollars. Oihce of assistant treasurer at St. Louis: For assistant treasurer, five at St. Louis; thousand dollars; chief clerk and teller, two thousand Eve hundred dollars ; assistant teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; book-keeper, one thousand ive hundred dollars; assistant book-keeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars; four watchmen, at seven hundred dollars each, two thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, fifteen thousand eight hundred dollars. Ofllce of assistant treasuuer at New Orleans: For assistant treasurer, at New Orfour thousand five hundred dollars; for chief clerk and cashier, two thou- 1*****6 sand five hundred dollars; one clerk, two thousand dollars; two clerks three thousand dollars; one porter, nine hundred dollars; two watchmen, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; amormtlng, in all, to fourteen thousand three hundred and forty dollars. Office of assistant treasurer at Charleston, South Carolina: For as- at Charlessistant treasurer, four thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand eight **°”¥ hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars ; one assistant messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; and two watchmen, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; in all, nine thousand five hun— dred and sixty dollars. Office of assistant treasurer at Baltimore: For assistant treasurer, Eve ¤* B¤m¤¤<>¤‘¢- thousand dollars; for cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; for three clerks, five thousand four hundred dollars; for three clerks, four thousand two hundred dollars; for two clerks, two thousand four hundred dollars ; for one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; for Eve vault watchmen, three thousand six hundred dollars ; in all, twenty-three thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. Oihce of depositary at Chicago: For cashier, two thousand five hundred _ Omes of d6P°9· dollars; for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for two clerks, ‘*’·"-V “" Ch‘°“‘f·'°· three thousand dollars; for one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars ; for one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; for one watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, ten thousand and sixty dollars.