Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1113

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INDEX. 1073 Penalty, (continued.) Penalty, (continued.) upon seamen for neglect of duty, and or so presenting any paper as a violations of law .. 273, 274 voucher with a date subse~ for unlawfully arresting seamen as de- quent to its actual date . . 575 serters ... 274 for violation of regulations governing the for unlawfully going on board any wes- military prison at Rock Island . 583, 584 sel about to arrive in port 276 for wilfully failing to comply with the for soliciting any seaman to become a provisions of the act to prevent cruelty lodger, &c., within twenty-four hours to animals while in transit, &c. . . . 585 of the arrival of any vessel 276 for, in any place within, &c., selling or for offences against postroffice laws, 283-326 possessing obscene b00ks,pictures,&c., 598 See Post-oficc Department. or drugs, &c., for preventing G011C9p- upon certain telegraph companies for re- tion or causing abortion 598 gnsing to transmit certain communica- 36 or advertising or making the 98 ons 7 same.5 for corruptly, or by force, or threats, &c., for knowingly depositing such articles in encieayoring toinfluence any grand on the mails . . . . . . 599 petit guror of any United States court upon officers, &c., of the government for m the d1scharge of his duty, &c. . . 378 knowingly aiding in violating the act for attempting to influence any juror in prohibiting the importation of obscene a. matter pending before such jury, by, books, &c., drugs, &c. .. 599 &c. 378 upon persons or institutions using the upon those engaged in certain business word "national " in their business if for not keeping conspicuously in place not authorized so to do .. 603 og business stamps denoting payment 402 for perjury in oaths undpr the act to an- 0 special tax . courage the growth o timber on tie to be doubled in cases of wilful neg- western prairies 606 leot or refusal ... 402 Pendergrast, Commander Austin, upgu clerks and dmarshals of United to be restored to his origlnahplace on 164 . tates courts an their assistants or navy ist. . . . . . . . . . . practising as attorneys in causes in Pendery, John L., those courts . 411 ayment to, for legal services 787 for counterfeiting, &c., any coin or bars Pémileton, James M., _ in the similitude of the gold or silver damages awarded to, by commissxoners coins or bars of the United States . . 434 of claims . z 696 or of any foreign gold or silver coin Pendleton, Mrs. Hamet B., _ current or in circulation in the certain prize-money to belpaid to, due United States ... 434 her late lmsbzmd, George .l’end1eton, 672 for knowingly having in possession, or Peninsula in Lake Erie, uttering, &c., such counterfeited, &c., 434 title tohoppogite hxé?. Pa., may be ac- 162 coinorbars . · . . . . . . . cepte y, c.,1, c. . . . . . . for counterfeiting, &o., the minor coin- Pgnigemgaries, axe <>r ¤¤eri¤s such false <=<>i¤ - - · 434 contml oi; an mmm Tmamm, to be for fl'¤“d“I°ndY lmP”·il`i¤S’» &°·» s01d 0* transferred to the Territories . . . 418 silver current coins ·----·- 434 expense of maintaining inmates to for fraudulently debasing the gold or sil- bg paid from what {und 419 ver coins of the United States . . . 434 pm;,wia,.m, gmc, OY deffwlng Well-§hY°» &•° -···· 434 appropriations to pay, for maintenance, for embezzling metals, or coins, or med- 435 gw_, of United gmté, mmtm-y cm. als. Sw -···--······ victs . 130, 367, ssc for bein en a ed in ift ente rises in - - the Ditrih of Colugnbia . . . . 464 P°"l;;;"l%géi‘i“gmn Tenitmy certain mt for using alcohol, upon which for certain proceeds of internal mvénue to be ap, purposes the excise tax has been re- plied to erect ____ _ _ _ _ _ 475 mittcd for any other than those Sp60r 468 amount not to exceed, &c_ ____ 475 iieduoses. ·· ··_____53·{ upon di)re?tors and officers of the Union P .M;'P?rOpr&&‘%2;0f:a$;1d;§ci HM Prwlic Raih*°a'd for doing any mt Pm- mlthelgizsigent may appoint acclimniissionuP2g);?;?;!; ggénté ggc 'fo; d{!,céd§Q O; 509 er to an international congress on . ._ » ‘ ! 'l I I , , indirectly lrecepping, .&c._bg, tgygatgy P87m81/hutlgixpendlture authorized. . §§,'Q*Q;’Q‘T"‘?“f ‘T“ ?“{°"_ X _°° ?° _ 575 postrroads established in,18,27,112,113,3€§>é for wron full withholding a pen- , . _ 5***** °*gr¤¥yP*" °*‘°'°°‘ °’ ‘“" 5 '°€£°S€§iTfé‘L'§n$£’Cé‘;s§Z°?“?T°S?’ ’T°°f’2‘§, mz land-Wammt '°°' °· I I i 57 cor grators of the Centennial Board of upon any guardian for embezzhng, &c., FP _ f m 207 208 the pension of his ward _ . 576 m”;'“-6 "° ····‘ ’ ’ upon attorneys, &e., for falsely taking Pem1s_ylva»zzaAyen1w, _ _ _ f 10 the oath that they have no interest in approprrauon for-paying portion o _ . t. any pension money .k. .&. . f.! . 575 autl1og1I§§;c{§;;)gi:;ct ot Columbia 0 10 forwilfull ,&c.,ma ing, c., a ase exp_ . _ . . or frauglulent affidavit respecting Vl'ashmgton and Georgetown R¤·1h‘06d 10 any claim for pension, &c. . . . 575 Company to repair a part . . . · VOL. xvn. 68