Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/208

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168 FOR/1‘Y—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 233. 1872, Chi ems or in coin, per fourth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred Lake hirpmor. and fifty-four, five thousand dollars. _ _ Vol. x. p.1109. For eighteenth of twenty instalments, in goods, household firrnrture, and cooking utensils, per fourth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fihy-four, eight thousand dollars. · · For eighteenth of twenty instalments, for agricultnral implements and cattle, carpenters and other tools, and building materials, per fourth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thoud dollars. _ smhor eighteenth of twenty instalments, for moral and educational purposes, three hundred dollars of which to be paid to the Gfrand Portage band yearly, to enable them to maintain a school at their village, per fourth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty- four, three thousand dollars. _ _ For eighteenth of twenty instalments, for six srmths and assistants, per second and fifth articles treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, five thousand and forty dollars. : _ For eighteenth of twenty instalments, for the support of SIX ‘sm1ths’ shops, per second and fifth articles treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. For sixteenth of twenty instalments, for the seventh smith and assistant, and support of shops, per second and fifth articles treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand and sixty dollars. Vol. xiv. p. 765. For support of smith and shop, during the pleasure of the President, as per seventh and twelfth articles treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, six hundred dollars. For support of two farmers, during the pleasure of the President, as per twelfth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and seventh article treaty of April seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, one thousand two hundred dollars. For transportation, and necessary cost of delivery of annuity and provisions for Chippewas of Lake Superior, three thousand dollars. Chippswss of Ohippewas of the Jlzdssissippi.-—-For sixth of ten instalments of the

  • ilg,Mv’;?"“‘l’g’6§ second series, in money, per fourth article treaty of October fourth, eighv,,j_ x_',,?;m[ teen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty of September

Vol- xiii- p- 694- thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, four thousand one hundred and sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. For sixth of ten instalments of the second series, for the pay of two _ carpenters, per fourth article treaty of October fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixtty~four, four hundred dollars. For sixth of ten instalments of the second series, in goods, per fourth article treaty of October fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty- four, and third article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, three thousand five hundred dollars. For sixth of ten instalments of the second series, for support of schools, per fourth article treaty of October fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty of May seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-fo1n·, six hundred and sixty-six dollars, and sixty-seven cents. For sixth of ten instalments of second series, for the purchase of provisions and tobacco, per fourth article treaty of October fourth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty of September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty of May seventh,