Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/302

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262 FORTY—~SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 321, 322. 1872. _ CHAP. CCCXXI.--An Act to continue the Act to authorize the Settlement 0 tl A -

 counts of Officers ey" the Army and Navy. f le C

Be it enacted hy the Senate and House if Representatives of the United _ Act autheriz· States of America in Congress assembled, That the act to authorize the iggnihjffgglfgum settlement of the accounts of the officers of the army and navy, approved of ggiggrg, &c_, June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy, shall continue and bg in exigpgsghh 153: force ftp- twp years from June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy. Vol. xvi. p. 166. WO an no cmgé]" Approved, June 7, 1872.

.] CHAP. CCCXXII. —-—An Act to authorize the Appointmentzy’Shiph[1ino·c0mmissioners by

the several Circuit Courts of the United States, to superintend I e Ship ring and Discharge ez/` Seamen engaged in Merchant Ships belonging to the United States, and for the furt er Protection y' Seamen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mfg3g!; °l;°‘jl* States of America in Congress assembled, That the several circuit courts point ··,hl’ppl)ng of the United States, in which circuits there is a sea—port or sea-ports for commissioners" which there is a collector of customs, or in which there is a port of Q; entry, shall appoint a commissioner for such sea-port within their respecthem; five circuits as in their judgment may require the same, and which shall also be ports of ocean navigation; such commissioners to be termed “shipping-commissioners;" and may, from time to time, remove from ofiice any of the said commissioners whom it may have reason to believe does not properly perform his duties; and shall provide for the proper ,;,,,;;;,,,.,%,,,1, performance of such duties until another person is duly appointed in his trotioviréhe place; shall regulate the mode of conducting business in the shipping. gfgsigggs iygli offices to he established by the shipping-commissioners as hereinafter shipping emces, provided; and shall have full and complete control over the same, subject to the provisions herein contained. _Shipping-com- Sec. 2. That every shipping-commissioner so appointed shall enter “?‘”’°“°“‘ *9 mto bonds to the United States, conditioned for the faithful performance give bond with . . . . . . . ,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,1 mk, of the duties reqmred in his office, for a sum, in the discretion of the with- circuit Judge, ofnot less than five thousand dollars, with two good and sufhcient securities therefor, to be approved by said judge; and shall take and subscribe the following oath before entering upzbn the duties pom, of Oath_ of his office: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that 1w11i support the Constitution of the United States; and that I will truly and faithfully discharge the duties of a shippiiw-commissioner to Oathwbe in- the best of my ability and accordin to law “S 'd tri) h· ll bd domd 0n00in_ th _ _ » _ g _ · 31 oa _ s a e in orsed migsion and wb_ on · e comnnssxon or certificate of appointment, and signed by him, and scribed, Ste. certified by the officer before whom such oath or afiirination shall have been taken. Clerks to ship- Sec. 3. That any shipping-commissioner ma · . _ ._ . _ _ _ _ _ y envaee a clerk or clerks

 to assist him m the transaction of the business thfbthe shipping-office,

,_,w,,,,,,;,,,;O,,m_ at his own proper cost, and may, in case of necessity, depute such clerk or clerks to act for him in his official capacity; but the shippinmcommissioner shall be held responsible for the acts of every such clgrk or dpputy, and wig be personally liable for any penalties such clerk or depuly may incur y the v1olation of any of the provisions of this act; and a acts done by a clerk, as such deputy, shall be as valid and bindinv as Omcm ML if dope by the shipping-commissioner. Each shipping-commissioner Shall prlpvide a seal with which he shall authenticate all his official acts, on Efm of iu_ vg Eph seal shall be engraved the. arms of the United States and the name mumcms umm o' e sea-port or district for which he is commissioned. Any instrument, up $,,,1, and gg_ e1ther·pr1nted or written, purporting to be the official act of a shipping-

 of com- cvpmnssioner, and purporting to be under the seal and si nature of such

°“°’· shi in -com l- ‘ · g Omggl gh. A missiginer, siall be received as primafacie evidence of the Set forth aracter 0 such instrument, and of the truth of the facts therein