Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/451

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FOR'I`Y—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 36-39. 1873. 411 CHAD XXXVI. -jAn Act to prevent certain Officers of the United States and Terri- Jan. 16, 1873. l0TZ€S_f7'0l7l practising as Attorneys or Solicitors in Courts of the United States in cer- ""_"'_"_ tain Cases. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ` States of America in Congress assembled, That no clerk, assistant or Clerks and deputy clerk, of any Territorial, district, or circuit court, or of the Court Qaifhfflgt Qf of, Claims, or the Supreme Court of the United States, or marshal or coliig ,ndati,;u· deputy marshal of the United States within the district for which he is ¤SSiS¤¤fS. &<=-· appointed, shall act as a solicitor, proctor, attorney or counsel in any Qg;;g€p;a°§2° M cause depending in either of said courts, or in any district for which he is in, &e.y ’ I, acting as such officer. Ssc. 2. That whosoevcr shall violate any provision of this act shall be _Pena1ty rei stricken from the roll of attorneys by the court upon complaint, upon "‘°l“‘“g“"*" “°”‘ which the respondent shall have due notice, and be heard in his defence, and in the case of a marshal or deputy marshal so acting, he shall be recommended by the court for dismissal from office. Approved, January 16, 1873. CHé\P. XX}§1VI§. —- A5 Acttto aynendcgn jet egtitled "An ];4.ctGrelating to ddembers og Jan. 16, 1873. 072 (488 Cd 8 0 8 TTIICTI G7! CT G S UU;. Junxledmh, eightgzn hgaidred aid! sixty?/`our. me T8 if t wemmem, approve \ Be it enacted by the Senate and Abuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of an act Delegates in entitled "An act relating to members of Congress, heads of Departments, S,‘;‘;§,':” "°§°° d other officer of the 0 rumen " a roved June eleventh i ht · Ray or an B g V6 lb PP , 6 g G9! services in any hundred and sixty-four, be so extended as to apply in all respects m¤¤€¤‘l>¢V<>r¤ my to Delegates from the Territories, and the District or Territory of $,l§:§;";h€’{jh,md Columbia. States is inter- Approved, January 16, 1873. °“°‘*· CHAP. XXXVIII. —An Act to authorize the Erection of a public Building at Evans Jan. 16, 1873. ville, Indiana. Sw p,,$,,"'p_ 541. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Building rex s Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be °“;*tf’;',§;‘;’““°» erected at Evansville, in the State of Indiana, a suitable brick building ggurm &,§_, to be for the accommodation of the custom-house, post-office, United States erected at EVM5- courts, and other offices of the United States, on plans to be determined “u°* I"d'°'°°‘ by him, and at a cost, including the cost of the site thereof, of not Cost with site, exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, and such site shall be of such ¤°E3:;¤€$,d;ig‘°· extent as to leave the building independent and unexposed to fire from any and all adjoining buildings: Provided, That no appropriations for No money to this purpose shall be used or expended until a valid title to said site ignaijflgazstgss shall be vested in the United States, and until the State of Indiana. shall mk, ,,,,d the duly release and relinquish its right to tax said site and the property of rightto tux is rothe United States that may be and remain thereon, and its jurisdiction h”q“‘Sh“d‘ over the same. Approved, January 16, 1873. CHAP. XXXIX. -—An Act lojizc the Compensation of Gaugers and Measurers at the Jan. 17, 1873. Port of Boston. "”`_;`_' Be it enacted by t}ze_Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the compensation of Pay Ofgdugers and measuxers at gaugers and measurers at the port of Boston, shall be the same as pro- me pmt of-Bm? vided for the same class of officers at the port of New York under exist- ten. ing laws. Approved, January 17, 1873.