Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/475

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 131. 1873. 435 shall embezzle any of the metals which shall at any time be committed to Y€"**l€Y *0* their charge for the purpose of being coined, or any of the coins which ;,“;P,5;zg;,°§,,,,S. shall be struck or coined at the said. mints, or any medals, coins, or other or medals, Svc. Y moneys of said mints or assay-oflices at any time committed to their charge, or of which they may have assumed the charge, every such officer or person who shall commit any or either of the said offenses shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall be imprisoned at hard labor for a term not less than one year nor more than ten years, and shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars. Sec. 65. That this act shall take effect on the first day of April, eigh- When act to teen hundred and seventy-three, when the ofiices of the treasurer of the *****9 °ii°°°*· mints in Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New Orleans shall be vacated, urgngeggirlzl and the assistant treasurer at New York shall cease to perform the duties cated. i of treasurer of the assay-office. The other ofncers and employees of the Other smears. mints and assay-offices now appointed shall continue to hold their respec- $E°·» *0 ¤°¤*i¤¤¤ tive offices, they having first given the necessary bonds, until further gw° b°°d°’ &°' appointments may be required, the director of the mint at Philadelphia being styled and acting as superintendent thereofi The duties of the Superintendtreasurers shall devolve as herein provided upon the superintendents. and WS W Mi M said treasurers shall act only as assistant treasurers of the United States: tredigggaigrs to Provided, That the salaries heretofore paid to the treasurers of the mints not only as assistat Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New Orleans, acting as assistant treas— “"* “"‘“*“'“"· urers, shall hereafter be paid to them as " assistant treasurers of the United States," and that the salary of the assistant treasurer at New York shall Saime, not not be diminished by the vacation of his office as treasurer of the assay- diminishedoffice. Sec. 66. That the different mints and assay-offices authorized by this _Names of the act shall be known as " the mint of the United States at Philadelphia}' d'%°’°“* milf? " the mint of the United States at San Francisco," " the mint of the an assay) cu` United States at Carson," " the mint of the United States at Denver," “the United States assay-office at New Y0rk," and·" the United States assay-oflice at Boise city, Idaho," " the United States assay-ofiice at Charlotte, North Caro1ina;" and all unexpended appropriations hereto- Unexpendsd fore authorized by law for the use of the mint of the United States at °PP'°P¤¤¤°¤°· Philadelphia, the branch-mint of the United States in California, the branch-mint of the United States at Denver, the United States assay- oflice in New York, the United States assay-onice at Charlotte, North Carolina, and the United States assay-office at Boise city, Idaho, are hereby authorized to be transferred for the account and use of the institutions established and located respectively at the places designated by this act. Sec. 67. That this act shall be known as the “Coinage act of eighteen This act to be hundred and seventy-three;" and all other acts and parts of acts per- l;:t·>*£¤c¤S ¤¢>i¤¤S¢ taining to the mints, assay-offices, and coinage of the United States in- ’ ' consistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed: Provided, 0thei·acts,&c., That this act shall not be construed to affect any act done, right ac- 'r:B:;l°£gtj;°;‘f_ crued, or penalty incurred, under former acts, but every such right is fw, &e, hereby saved; and all suits and prosecutions for acts already done in violation of any former act or acts of Congress relating to the subjects embraced in this act may be begun or proceeded with in like manner as if this act had not been passed; and all penal clauses and provisions in existing laws relating to the subjects embraced in this act shall be deemed applicable thereto: And provided further, That so much of the fligpgdigf pg: first section of "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses ° 1_ * °’ of the government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred im, xvi, P. 296 and seventy-one, and for other purposes," approved July fifteen, eighteen hundred and seventy, as provides that until after the completion and occupation of the branch-mint building in San Francisco, it shall be lawful to exchange, at any mint or branch-mint of the United States, unre-