Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/855

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CONVENTION —-THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA. JUNE 25, 1870. 815 Uonvention between the Matted States of America and the Republic of Nicaragua. Eaztradition. Signed June 25, 1870; Ratified A wil 11, 1871; Ratiyicatiems exchanged June 24, 1871; Prockzimcd Sgatember 19, 1871. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: ·T¤¤¢ 25, 1870- A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a convention for the extradition of criminals between the Preamble. United States of America and the Republic of Nicaragua was concluded and signed at Managua, by their respective plenipotentiaries, on the twenty-fifth day of June, 1870; which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for WOl'd as follows : -- EXTRADITION CONVENTION BE- CONVENCION DE EXTRADICION TWEEN THE UNITED STATES ENTEE LA REPUBLICA DE N1- OF Anmmca AND THE REPUB- GARAGUA r Los Esranos UNI- mo or Nrcanseus. nos DE Amnmoa. The United States of America La Republics, de Nicaragua i los Contracting and the Republic of Nicaragua, Estados Unidos de América, habi- P‘“"°i°°· having judged it expedient, with a endo juzgado conveniente para la view to the better administration of mejor administracion de justicia, i justice, and to prevention of crimes para prevenir crimenes dentro de within their respective territories sus territories respectivos, que las and jurisdiction, that persons con- personas condenadas por 6 accusavicted of, or charged with the crimes das le los crimenes enumerados en hereinafter mentioned, and being seguida i siendo fugitivas de la fugitives from justice, should, under justicia, sean bajo ciertas circuncertain circumstances, be recipro- stancias reciprocamente entregacally delivered up, have resolved to [dajs, han resuelto celebrar una conclude a convention for that pur- convenoion, i con tal objecto han pose, and have appointed as their nombrado como sus respectivos plenipotentiariesz the President of Plenipotenciarios: el Presidente de the United States, Charles N. Riotte, la Republica de Nicaragua al seiior a citizen and Minister Resident of Don Tomas Ayon, Ministro de Rethe United States in Nicaragua, the laciones Esteriores, i el Presidente President of the Republic of Nice- de los Estados Unidos a Carlos N. ragua, Mister Tomas Ayon, Minis- Riotte, ciudadano i Ministro Resiter for Forfeignj Relations, who, dente de los Estados Unidos en Niafter reciprocal communication of caragua,quienes,despues de haberse their 5111 powers, found in good and comunicado reciprocamente sus pledue form, have agreed upon the fol- nos poderes i halladolos en buena i lowing articles, viz.:-— debida forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes:—— ARTICLE I. AnT[1cuL]o I. The government of the United El gobierno de Nicaragua i el _Persons con- States and the government of Nic- gobierno de los Estados Unidos :;;‘;3’;v‘}fh zlmgua mutually agmee to deliver up convienen en entregarse mnitua- ggptgjjn cyiuqgg, persons who, having been convicted mente las personas condenadas por W be zwév